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Susan Lennox Julie Ramsey Mary Anne Schleinich FOT 2023

Susan Lennox
Julie Ramsey
Mary Anne Schleinich

Susan Lennox, Julie Ramsey, Mary Anne Schleinich - Psychotherapy In This Time of Existential Threat: How Can FOTs Meet Today’s Challenges?
We are living in a time of great danger and uncertainty, affecting us in profound ways.  Climate change continues to cause upheaval and unknown challenges. Civil unrest, war and political polarization are global concerns. Questions abound about how we can work together to meet the urgency of now.
In this workshop we will explore how the impact of these challenges are showing up in our practices.
• How are these challenges showing up?
• How is the whole situation affecting us?
• What do we need for ourselves and our clients to face challenges of such complexity?   
• How can we bring our FOT knowledge and skills to meet this urgency?
• Is traditional therapy enough or do we need to create new paradigms and ways of working?

Susan Lennox, PhD, JD, CPC is a psychotherapist and certified professional coach with a private practice in Colorado and online. She learned Focusing during her own therapy in the 1990’s and went on to become a Certified Focusing Professional in 2000 and a Focusing Coordinator in 2009.  She also is a Certified Internal Family Systems Therapist and brings both Focusing and IFS approaches into her work with individual adult clients.

Julie Ramsey, LICSW, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Boston, Massachusetts. She is a Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist and a Focusing Coordinator. She teaches Focusing in small groups and enjoys bringing Focusing to all aspects of her work and life.

Mary Anne Schleinich MPS, BScOT is a counselling body psychotherapist in private practice in Calgary and online. She is certified with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and The International Focusing Institute as a Focusing Oriented Therapist.  She teaches Focusing and has worked with pain, anxiety and trauma for 20 years.