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Joan Klagsbrun FOT 2023

Joan Klagsbrun - Acknowledging the Dark and Embracing the Light:  Crossing Focusing and Positive Psychology in Psychotherapy

Joan Klagsbrun

We live in challenging times, ones that can lead us-- and our clients--to experience increased anxiety and stress. Crossing Focusing with Positive Psychology can help clients move beyond their negativity bias, find more enjoyment in their lives, and discover greater resilience. 
Focusing and Positive Psychology are complementary approaches that, when combined, can help clients to savor positive events and emotions, enhance gratefulness, recognize their signature strengths, and discover what is most meaningful in their lives. Through these practices, we can help clients develop a more transcendent narrative of their lives.

Joan Klagsbrun, Ph.D. is a psychologist and Focusing trainer who has been practicing F.O.T and teaching internationally for the past 45 years. In her work at the interface of psychology and spirituality, she has found that Focusing can illuminate positive life experiences as well as finding next steps for difficult issues. 
Joan is a longstanding coordinator at TIFI, and was a faculty member at Lesley University for four decades. Her publications include articles in journals and chapters in several books.  Her most recent chapter, Acknowledging the Dark and Embracing the Light in the Time of Covid-19 was published in Senses of Focusing in 2021.