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Glenn Fleisch FOT 2023

Glenn Fleisch

Glenn Fleisch - Standing at the threshold: a wholebody process for recovering soma’s spirit

These are the pangs of labor, my dear Theaetetus, you have something within you which you are bringing forth. Socrates

Situations of crisis that test, that call into question, the very limits of our existential capabilities... are 'spiritual emergencies'- for a new spirit, a new self, is struggling to emerge, and there are many dangers, but also unimagined opportunities, for insight and self-development. David Michael Levin.

Socrates saw his role as philosopher not as a teacher or writer of wisdom, but rather as a mid-wife, to draw out and bring forth the spiritual wisdom already latent in the soul. Glenn has found that his role as a therapist is much the same, a wholebody Focusing approach he calls soma-maieutics. In this presentation, we will explore and experience this process and especially the role of therapist as a mid-wife to the body’s spirit-energy.

He will share his experiences in creating what he calls threshold events, when there is an exigency (i.e. urgency, pressing need…). We will explore and experience this event- starting from the simple invitation to shift from sitting to standing- and/or to wholebody awareness and bodying forth together. He will present some examples and guide us through a sample of the threshold event process. It is at this threshold that we can deepen the journey of discovering aspects of our wholebody being that have been forgotten, lost, suppressed, deadened….and facilitate in gestating and recovering our natal spirit.

The presentation will be based on Glenn's decades of experience as a FOT, including several examples of threshold event.
What is the foundation and principles of wholebody work in FOT?
What are signs of an incipient crisis of aporia/impasse?
How can we co-create threshold events? What are some examples and their effects?

Glenn Fleisch, Ph.D., LMFT California. Glenn is a licensed psychotherapist with 40 years’ experience. He is a Coordinator with the Focusing Institute, certified in WBF and FOT. He has been developing, practicing, and teaching the wholebody approach- including writing, and an upcoming book. He is most interested in what he calls soma-maieutcs, involving the awakening, embodying and birthing the body’s life of spirit. This orientation is rooted in active embodied engagement to connect with and restore the soul of our living body.