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Carolyn Tongco FOT 2023

Carolyn Tongco

Carolyn Tongco - Self-Compassion Themed Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts for Primary Caregivers of Pediatric Thalassemia Patients
Primary caregivers of pediatric thalassemia patients endure caregiving stress while fulfilling their sick children's needs. Self-compassion approaches and Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) have been used in various populations to help increase self-compassion and resilience. Integrating the works of Laury Rappaport’s Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) and Kristin Neff’s Self-Compassion approaches, a six-session Self-Compassion Themed Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (SC-FOAT) Program was developed to help address the stress of the primary caregivers. In this presentation, participants will also be able to try out SC-FOAT exercises for their self-care. Participants are invited to bring paper and writing or coloring materials for the workshop.

Carolyn T. Tongco - Carol's passion is to use expressive arts, mindfulness practice, storytelling and life coaching to connect, empower and bring healing to individuals, groups and communities. Therefore, she prefers to be called a “heartist”. She loves art and helping others.

She has conducted expressive arts workshops, art retreats, expressive arts coaching, stress management and wellness webinars for various populations. 

She is a Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) Facilitator granted by the Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute and also a Certified Focusing Trainer with Specialization in  Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) granted by The International Focusing Institute