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Upcoming Courses, and Ongoing Groups and Services

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- New York time
Gendlin Center for Research The International Focusing Institute Events
Gendlin’s approach to words and meaning invites creativity:
a conversation led by the members of the Eugene T. Gendlin Center for Research in Experiential Philosophy and Psychology.

This is a "pay what you can" event. It will be recorded (except small group breakout rooms) for later viewing if you cannot attend live.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- France Dordogne Payzac (24270)
Alexandre Jacquelin Sonia Zuccato Ecoute Focusing
On ne se forme pas à Être, on y revient par soi-même. Ce parcours est un processus progressif, psychocorporel, dans la transformation organique et la croissance mutuelle. Le processus de la présence ne s’active pas par les biais habituels du mental, du savoir et du vouloir. Il est permis par la qualité de notre relation à notre organisme dans son ensemble et par le grandissement de la conscience de soi, qui se découvre, s’installe et grandie singulièrement au fur et à mesure. Ainsi les parcours proposent des rendez-vous pratiques hebdomadaires toute l’année. Ceci permet d’accompagner le processus progressif, d’instaurer une routine vertueuse dans votre agenda, d’entretenir et d’approfondir votre pratique.
- Eastern time
Naty Calviño. Certifying  Coordinator. Focusing Oriented Therapist.  Yogatherapist
This Program is designed specifically for therapists and counselors who want to enrich and take their work with clients a step further with Focusing and get their FOT Certification from TIFI. Other people who work with clients in different ways and want to enhance their work are also welcome to attend. (Even though they would not apply for the Certification)
It is an ongoing course of 1 1/2 hours every other week, on Tuesdays, that  can be taken independently or as part of the whole Certification Program.

Topic: FOT
- Eastern (New York) Time
The International Focusing Institute Event Member Benefit Mary Jennings
Reading Freshly
This 10th session starts at Part 3, Chapter 11, The Listening Manual
Newcomers welcome each month!
An opportunity to read Gendlin’s seminal book Focusing with others
A Free Event for Members
Live (no recording)
Once a month on Tuesday - 10th session July 2, 2024
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Ongoing, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Hora del Este
Naty Calviño. Coordinadora Certificante, Terapeuta Orientada al Focusing, Counselor
Este Programa está diseñado para terapeutas y profesionales de otras áreas de ayuda que quieren enriquecer y llevar su trabajo con consultantes un paso más allá con Focusing. Aquellos que califican pueden también hacer toda la Formación para obtener su Certificación FOT de TIFI.
Es un curso continuo de 1 1/2 horas cada dos semanas, los miércoles, que puede ser tomado independientemente o como parte de todo el Programa de Certificación.

Topic: FOT
- Eastern Time (New York Time)
Annette Dubreuil circle of chairs picture
A Changes Group is a free-of-charge, peer-led group that meets so people can exchange Focusing and listening turns in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect. It's a group for continuing your Focusing practice; no teaching will be done.

We meet on zoom twice per month. We have a centering/grounding practice to begin followed by a check in (usually in breakout rooms), followed by time for practice in groups of two or three. You can also chose to join an empathy circle if you'd like to observe or practice in a bigger group.

Our next Changes Groups are:
-Wednesday, July 3rd, 12:30-2pm Eastern
--Find a Focusing Partner, 11:30am-12:30 pm Eastern
-Sunday, July 21, 6:30-8 pm Eastern
--Find a Focusing Partner, 5:30-6:30 pm

Online via Zoom
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Changes Groups
Kati Singh
Throughout 2024, join us each Wednesday for a contemplative meditation crossing the Philosophies of Jiddu Krishnamurti and Eugene Gendlin. We meet every Wednesday from 1pm to 2pm EST/NY where we pause to contemplate the truth.

We move slowly through these meditations leaving space for pauses, reflections and focusing partnership interactions - any language and any level of Focusing proficiency is welcome into this space, or none at all.

These events are open and free to the public - each meditation is taken from Krishnamurti's Book of Life.

Pre-register on zoom.
Topic: Introductory, Spirituality, TAE/Philosophy
- Central European Standard Time
Christine Groscarret & Bernadette Lamboy ; coordinatrices FRANCE Les Jardins Intérieurs
Un lieu pour se ressourcer et pratiquer le focusing en profitant chaque jour de nouveaux ateliers animés par des thérapeutes certifiés.
Danse, groupes de paroles, conférences, intégration de pratiques avec le focusing...
Le séminaire d'été de focusing est ouvert à tous, débutants ou confirmés.

un parcours d'initiation structuré sur l'équivalent de 5 jours entiers, qui permet de découvrir les bases du focusing et de l'approche centrée sur la personne
des ateliers thématiques en résonance avec le sujet du séminaire pour les nouveaux comme pour les personnes ayant déjà eu une initiation, les étudiants de l'IFEF et les praticiens en exercice
des moments de rencontre et d'échanges, de partages de pratiques
Avec la

En résidentiel en Ardèche (France)
- GMT -3
Alejandro Juroczko Florentina Sassoli
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Certification, FOT
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Two butterflies, Focusing partnerships
In this four-week beginner Focusing course for advanced listeners, we delve into each of the 6 steps, with each class including a teaching of one or two steps. Each class also includes listening skills, a small experiential exercise, a demonstration and then small group practice (typically in twos or threes).

Dates for the next groups:
-Mondays, 1-3 pm Eastern, July 8-29
-Intensive, 1-3 pm Eastern, Tuesday August 27-Friday August 30th

Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate
- New York time
The International Focusing Institute Event Robert Parker
New registrants are welcome who have previously read Chapters I-VI on their own or with some group.

Chapter VII is approximately 1/3 of the book so is being offered in 6 sections of 11 sessions.

Chapter VII, Culture, Symbol, and Language, was in many ways Gendlin's favorite chapter, not only because language and symbols are central to Focusing, but because they raise so many fascinating questions.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell Barbara McGavin
Has Focusing changed your life in a profound way? Do you feel called to help facilitate that kind of powerful change for other people? Join us for a free open house and find out how you can become a Certified Professional in Inner Relationship Focusing. Our next program starts in October.

In this FREE webinar, you'll get to meet and interact with many of the program teachers. Discover the different components of the program and how they integrate. Share your goals and ask your questions. Familiarize yourself with the program prerequisites, requirements, and application process. Understand how you (and your future clients) benefit from our comprehensive training program.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
Ein Bild von mir (Julia Richling)
In diesem zweistündigen kostenlosen Webinar erkunden wir die 'Geheimnisse der Inneren Kritiker' und wie es uns mit Hilfe von Inner Relationship Focusing gelingen kann, sie besser kennenzulernen und ihnen den Raum und die Sicherheit zu geben, nach der sie sich sehnen.
Das Webinar wird aufgezeichnet.
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
1 Day Summit in Healing Developmental Trauma
This is a 1 day Free Event with Several Speakers. Maureen Gallagher, PhD, SEP will be speaking about Healing Developmental Trauma with Inner Relationship Focusing from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm Eastern Time.
Description of her talk:
Developmental trauma can result in insecure attachment to self and others. Inner Relationship Focusing is an embodied toolkit uniquely suited to addressing attachment wounds that lead to insecure attachment strategies. SIRF, combining Somatic Awareness with Inner Relationship Focusing, supports building a secure relationship with embodied partial self states, shifting internal working models of self and other from insecure to earned secure, while building regulation skills in support of embodied presence.
- Hora del Este, Nueva York
Mesa Redondas The International Focusing Institute Suzanne Noel and Natalia Calvino Salvador Moreno and Florentina Sassoli
Evento Especial! Las Mesas Redondas suelen ser un evento para miembros del Instituto Internacional de Focusing (TIFI). En este caso queremos abrirla a toda la comunidad para darle la oportunidad de que experiencie la potencia sanadora del Focusing. Queremos invitarlo a esta atractiva Mesa Redonda que tratará acerca del Focusing y sus beneficios en procesos de sanación, anunciando también la próxima Academia de Focusing con Suzanne Noel, Salvador Moreno y Naty Calviño.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Smartview Conversations, Living a Focusing Way of Life Sandy Jahmi Burg, 2019
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2024 is the Power of AND, how we hold our own space in relationship to others and how we hold space within us for both our right and left hemisphere's perspectives.

We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome.

We meet on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.

Online via Zoom
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell
As these uncertain times continue to challenge us in unprecedented ways, our need for connection and emotional support is greater than ever.

This is a 30-minute free webinar (with Ann Weiser Cornell) with warm, positive tips for emotional self-care in these challenging times. Each month is different as Ann responds to the present moment and whatever the group is bringing.

Our hope is that you’ll leave the webinar with a greater sense of resilience and some relief from the stressful feelings you might be having. And that you’ll know you are not alone.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Cd. de México time
Fotografía de Salvador Moreno López
¿Cómo atender a las relaciones entre lo vivido y nuestras emociones para cuidar y mejorar nuestra salud integral?...

Topic: Introductory
- Eastern time
happy to meet you our space expressive inner child work
Invite yourself to come to an intensive 5 day Focusing training in July 2024 about “A unique possibility to experience ‘Dynamic Focusing”! It will be from wednesday 17th (18 pm) till the Monday the 22nd (13 pm) in Friesland. Several topics are essential and will be covered: Listening in three directions; The Emerging Body language Unconditional authentic empathy, Creating space, Safety and boundaries, Contact/ Contract; Selfcare; Working with symbolisations/ expression and of course (pre-verbal) inner child work. More information: look at

The venue is “De Bron” a retreat and conference centre ;There are plenty of opportunities in the local area for canoeing, walking, biking and sight seeing.
- Eastern Time (New York Time)
Annette Dubreuil
Learn Gendlin's classic 6 steps of Focusing in this interactive 2-hour workshop. There will be a Focusing demonstration. And you will have the opportunity to experience Focusing for a 20-minute turn, as well as a listening turn in breakout groups.

Next sessions (pick one 2-hour session to attend):
-Wednesday, July 17, 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern
-Thursday, July 25, 1-3 pm Eastern

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate