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DONATE to the Gendlin Legacy Fund




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In 2023, we were able to move the Gendlin Online Library (GOL) to a new server, and to upgrade it in some subtle but important ways.  This happened thanks to many small donations, plus a generous grant from the Sparks Fund.

The migration to our new website has ensured the stability of the library for years to come. It was wisely built, and functioned well for a long time.  The upgrade means that it will remain an uninterrupted treasure well into the future.

The GOL retains its look and feel, but many small outdated features were "re-furbished."  Renee La Roi oversaw the process along with a number of outstanding volunteers.

Donations to the Gendlin Legacy Fund go toward maintaining the GOL and other initiatives directly related to Gendlin's legacy.



Dave Young

Dave Young is a wonderful Focuser who recorded a series of discussions with Gene in the several years before Gene passed. Dave transcribed the discussions, and they are exciting to read.  There are themes which became central to Gene during his final years, and provide rich new insights upon his thought.  

We are eager to have these conversations made available to you!  They greatly enrich Gene’s existing works.  Please donate to help us prepare them for publication.

Our plan is to publish them as a series of booklets that map out themes, attention pointers, and Focusing suggestions. We will “roll out” these transcripts over the next several years, beginning with a booklet centered on “The Larger System.”

Donations to the Gendlin Legacy Fund will go toward this and other initiatives which are directed related to maintaining Gendlin's legacy.



You can donate to the Gendlin Legacy Fund OR to the Gendlin Research Center by going to and at the bottom of the page, selecting the fund you prefer.  If you wish to donate specifically to the Gendlin Research Center, please choose that option.

Psychology Grants – The Gendlin Center has given out three grants so far, which have furthered research in the experience of meaning in life as well as in the use of Focusing to relieve symptoms of PTSD. Your donations will help us to continue to fund important research to provide evidence for the efficacy of Focusing.

Grant recipients

Dr. Siebrecht Vanhooren and Dr. Mohamed Altawil, the first two recipients of the Gendlin Grant for Research in Psychology

Philosophy Prizes – The Gendlin Philosophy Prize is available to PhD students in philosophy (or those recently graduated with a PhD in philosophy) for papers on Gendlin’s philosophy. Your support of these prizes will further research on Focusing within the field of academic philosophy.

Gendlin Symposium – There have been Gendlin symposia in 2021 and in 2023. Your donations help cover the costs of planning and hosting the symposium.

Revision of EXP Scale and Testing of Scale – Members of the Gendlin Research Center are updating the Experiencing Scale to facilitate further research on Focusing. Your donation helps to fund their work on this project.

Your support will increase the impact of the Gendlin Center’s research projects as well as making other projects possible.


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