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Thinking at the Edge (TAE) Reviews

TAE Academy

The second Thinking at the Edge (TAE) Academy took place this past January.  We had learned a lot from our first TAE Academy in 2022, and created a more spacious program which gave more time for processing.  From the reviews, we feel we got it just right!

Thank you again to our Main Teachers: Beatrice Blake, Monika Lindner and Evelyn Fendler-Lee.

Thank you again to those who offered workshops: Nada Lou, Hanspeter Muehlethaler, Satoko Tokumaru, Teresa Dawson, Dana Ganihar and Baruch Brenner.

The teachers at the Academy have deep experience in TAE and Gendlin's philosophy and are able to offer the TAE Proficiency Award.  You can learn more about TAE (including links to the TIFI profile pages of TAE teachers) at

If you missed the TAE Academy, you can still sign up to watch all the recordings.  You can find the link for that here.

TAE Academy 2024 - Monika Lindner Class
Monika Lindner's Main Class - TAE Academy 2024


Here are some of the many comments that participants sent in:

"The flow between instruction and practice worked well for me. I wanted an introduction to TAE after being curious for some years of practicing Focusing. This class fit perfectly."

"It is fascinating how we unravel more and more. I was left with a sense of regenerating...or re-becoming. Thank you!"

"I LOVED the writing portion of this workshop, and the breakout room experience was outstanding!"

"I'm enjoying thinking about how I might practice the TAE steps, and today's session supported that sense of going forward. Thank you."

"I found the whole experience very beautiful. I loved the pace of teaching, how each phase had all the space it needed and the time for processing in pairs. I have noticed how the lessons learnt are already coming into my way of engaging with life. Thank you to Monika and the team."

TAE Academy - Evelyn Fendler-Lee
Evelyn Fendler-Lee's Main Class - TAE Academy 2024

"I appreciated Evelyn's non-linear approach to the TAE steps. I also really appreciated her overall intention to give us a TAE experience instead of drilling down into the minutiae of the method."

"The group witness of a participant working with Bea on the Focusing or TAE topic of the day, then going in with a partner for experimental time. WONDERFUL"

"I especially appreciate the sense that we are creating a different world when we engage in the human capacity of going deeper into the unknown edges of our situation, especially in the company of other people."

"I am new to TAE, so did not yet have a total 'feel for it,' but I really enjoyed the opportunity to connect with others over the world situation. I was impressed how it left me with a sense of 'no stone being unturned.'"

"I love that recordings appear in the same place and that everything is available in a timeline in one place. Thank you for considering time slots for people around the globe."

TAE Academy - Dana & Baruch Workshop
Dana Ganihar & Baruch Benner's Workshop - TAE Academy 2024

"It was fascinating to connect with the 'much more' of experience through a selected piece of art. I had the experience of constantly expanding into the much more of felt sense. Beautiful!"

"I was surprised how great it worked in this format."

"I appreciate the organic way the teacher brought the steps and in a certain order, it made it somehow simple."

"I simply love rejoicing in people’s contributions and TIFI does this very well. Thank you again for wonderful organization, content and support. Mil Gracias!!! Fue un exito!"

"The whole ensemble worked for me, creating the space to be: safe, open, warm; the pace and way of teaching the steps in a gentle flowing way where creativity was unleashed; the break out rooms brought variety of people to interact with; sharing a journey that felt the same yet unique to each individual. WOW!!! Thank you!"

Beatrice Blake Main Class
Beatrice Blake's Main Class - TAE Academy 2024