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Thank You TIFI Donors

Thank You


We have a very generous community!

THANK YOU to each one of you who gave a financial gift of any size in 2024. As Catherine said in her end of year video, we love smaller donations, which really add up and carry us forward at a steady pace, while larger donations allow us to make big strides. Every donation counts and we appreciate each and every one!  Thank you for being part of making Focusing findable.

Your generosity allows us to have sliding scales on virtually all our programs.  It allows us to make constant improvements to all of our operations, to create new initiatives and to continue to serve our members.

Once more, thank you!

Donors in 2024


Associazione Scintille di Psicosintesi a.p.s.

The Bruce and Barbara Kantner
Donor Advised Fund

Canaday Family Trust

Julie Graber Donor Advised Fund

Pledgeling Foundation

RSF Social Finance

Tom and Mary Torinus Fund

Erna de Bruijn & Christine Langeveld

Gillian Adendorff

Nadia Almousa

Barbara Altwegg

Deborah Armstrong

Yael Bacharach

Sharon Bauer

Beatrice Blake

Annie Bloch

Irene Bosker

Guiomar Burgos

Marjorie Burnett

Gabrielle Byers

Calliope Callias

Cynthia Callsen

Sicong Cao

Helena Cassaigne

Mylène Charrier

Judith Cobb

Darryl Commings

John Connolly

Ann Weiser Cornell

Aaffien de Vries

Fredy Dekker

Johannes Dekker

David del Sole

Bob Devlin

Barbara Dickinson

Laura Dickinson

Mark DiMassimo

Jill Drummond

Karin Dubowick

Robert Elliott

Alastair Farrugia

Evelyn Fendler-Lee

Heidi Gaissert

Bill Gayner

Doralee Grindler-Katonah

Susan and Paul Harris

Fernando Hernandez

Charles Herr

Scott Hite

Marieke Hoeve

Sharon Hough

Larry Hurst

James Iberg

Phil Isaak

Chloe Jao

Jocelyn Kahn

Sharon Kaylen

Sigal Ketsev-Golan

Joan Klagsbrun

Steffani Knigge-Plica

Jill Koehler

Melanie Korpi

Kevin Krycka

Lynette Lancini

Tom Larkin

Joan Lavender

Nina Lawrence

Susan Lennox

Rafael López Castaño

Nada Lou

Amanda Lowe

Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo

Janna Match

Dorcas McDonald

Lizzi McLaughlin

Nelle Moffett

Egbert Monsuur

Steve Moscovitch

Brigid Moynahan

Ilaria Olimpico

Maxine Olson

Martina Oschkinis

Mary Owen

Donald Padelford

Karl Panzenbeck

Carole Pentony

Rosaria Perini

Mihai Augustin Racareanu Cernea

Kit Racete

Julie Ramsey

Laura Read

Lily Revere

Susan Rudnick

Rosella Salari

Sylvia Salomon

Scott Scherer

Kati Singh

Elizabeth Speece

Mary Ellen & Scott Summerville

Julie Townsend

David Tuck

Tobias von Schulthess

Yimfong Voon

Mary Ward

Karen Weiss

Jan Winhall

Anthony Winiski