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Milestones August 2023


We are happy to congratulate a new Coordinator (CC), 11 new Certified Focusing Professionals (including Trainers and Focusing-Oriented Therapists) and 11 new Proficiency in Partnership (PFP) recipients. Congratulations to each of them on their achievement. Those listed are as of July 31, 2023.  We wish them all the very best in their ongoing endeavors!

New Coordinator

Sigal Ketsev Golan, Israel / עברית
Mentoring Coordinators: Dan Schachter and Dana Ganihar

Sigal Ketsev-Golan is a psychotherapist who teaches Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Therapy through both virtual and in-person sessions. Sigal has a deep interest in the idea of breaking free from restricting models and moving towards healing, creativity and growth. She continues to deepen into the Philosophy of the Implicit, TAE and learn from the wisdom of other paths.  

New Certified Focusing Professionals (July 2023)

Gijs Bosma, Netherlands
Coordinators: Aaffien de Vries and Jessie Delooz

Miko Brown, USA
Coordinator: Charlotte Howorth

Peng Fu, China
Coordinators: Xu Jun and Li Min

Christina Griggio, Italy
Coordinator: Bruna Blandino

Chunhua Guo, China
Coordinator: Xu Jun and Li Ming

Lucie Martin, France
Coordinator: Bernadette Lamboy

Paul Moxham, Australia
Coordinator: Jayne Quayle

Mika Rosenthalis-Zuzovsky, Israel
Coordinators: Dana Ganihar and Baruch Brenner

Gitit (Guitit) Shriqui, Australia
Coordinators: Dana Ganihar and Baruch Brenner

Wan Chi Vincci Tse, Hong Kong, China
Coordinator: Laury Rappaport

Ofer Yifrach, Israel
Coordinator: Bilha Frolinger

New Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Awards (PFP)

Terry Bowling, USA

Isa Brown, Aruba

Nikoleta Konstantia Charistou, Greece

Mary Chew, USA

Laura Gaggero, Italy

Terpsithea Giannakopoulou, Greece



Ran Johnson, USA

Oleksandr Martynov, Czech Republic

Dimitris Mougios, Greece

Tak Chi Shing,
Hong Kong, China

Dania Vagia, Greece