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Historical note upon implementation of this process (2022)

In December 2017, the International Leadership Council (ILC) published information about a revision to the way in which Coordinators are named at The International Focusing Institute (TIFI).  The new process was referred to as the “Pilot Program” because it was going to be introduced as a “pilot,” in other words, a test.  It was important to us have you test out the new process and give your feedback before it became the regular process.  The Pilot Program has now gone on for five years, and we have been delighted to find that it has been very well-received.  Coordinators tell us that it is time to stop having two processes (the old and the new), and simply agree upon this new process.  At the Coordinators’ gathering in France in June 2022, the Executive Director asked if there was anything more that needed to be discussed before we shift from "pilot" to full implementation. The answer from Coordinators was clear that five years has been long enough, and that Coordinators and Coordinators-in-Training alike support the new process.

The heart of the change is that the new process requires that a Coordinator-in-Training have 3 (or more) Coordinators that they work with, rather than just one.  There is also now a provision for those who wish to become a Coordinator but who do not intend to certify people in the future (see below).

TIFI recognizes the importance of proceeding in a way that is truly international, and respectful and supportive of a wide variety of languages, cultures and styles of Focusing.  We wish to ensure that Coordinators are well prepared and able to fulfill their responsibilities without imposing one way of teaching or practice.

With this document, we are now eliminating the “Old Process for Naming Coordinators,” which allowed one Coordinator to name another Coordinator.  Beginning January 1, 2023, a person can only be named a Coordinator-in-Training if they have a Support Team of 3 Coordinators (or more).

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