
Proactive Mindfulness

Many of us are not as engaged in our life as we could be. We usually do not become aware of that until we have the experience of engaging more deeply. To do so, it takes intentionality.  But intention alone usually does not have much traction. For intention to turn into engagement, something needs to happen at an embodied level.

This course guides you into embodied experiences from which you can develop proactive mindfulness. You get a sense of how to be less reactive and more responsive, and how to seek and benefit from corrective experiences. In other words, the goal is for you to get to know yourself better and to stretch the limits of who you think you are.

This is an experiential self-study course

You apply as you learn, and you learn from applying. From the very beginning, you experiment with getting more engaged in what you do and sense it in your body.

This is a self-study course, with 8 classes. Each session gives you 15 to 30 minutes of videos. We guide you through embodied experiments, the meaning that emerges from them, and how to apply this in a down-to-earth way. 

You watch the videos on your own time. You will get the most out of this course if you study weekly, as opposed to binge-watching the sessions. To help you pace the course, we will be releasing the classes at the rate of one a week, over 8 weeks, 

In addition to each weekly class, we encourage you to spend a few minutes every day to practice the embodied experiments. It’s not a big commitment (3 to 5 minutes is enough) but it makes a big difference.

The presenters

See: https://proactivemindfulness.com/about-us/

The course 

The first session was released on January 13, and the last one will be released on March 3. The course is now closed. But we will offer it again. Let us know if you are interested.


The course is now closed. But we will offer it again. Let us know if you are interested.

Registration Information and Price

The course is now closed. But we will offer it again. Let us know if you are interested.

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