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Register with Nada BEFORE 10.2.2022
Thinking at the Edge (Think Different)
A TAE Program with Nada Lou, C.C.
Planned for February, March, April, 2022 Register BEFORE February 10, 2022
People find that THINKING from felt sense opens a whole new awareness of their hidden gifts they’ve been holding for years inside themselves. They are surprised by their own richness.
My METHOD of teaching TAE follows the recommendation and style designed by Eugene T. Gendlin Ph.D. This means teaching TAE Steps and utilize these to a project of your choice. This way, you will learn both the Method of how to do TAE again and again on different topics, discover how each step functions AND you will be working on applying all of that to your own topic.
Give language to your projects, vitalize your relationships, display confidence in your work and delight in your hobbies. Thinking with your felt sense - your speaking will become clearer, your writing more inspiring, your communication more stimulating, and your life moving in a forward direction.
DATES - sometime in February, March, April, 2022
If you are interested to take this course please connect to me at [email protected]
My plan is to collect names of those interested and plan the days and hours according to participants priorities (location, dates and hours).
In this course you will learn:
How to find what inspires you and you want to express it, but have difficulties in finding the right words;
How to think and use language from your felt sensing;
How to write for yourself and how to write for the public;
How to use these tools at your work and in your therapy practice.
You will delight in having tools to enable your passions and interests to become reality.
Gene’s spoken words:
You need to stand again in your own experience in your own felt ongoingness which is this intricate complexity inside of life. … to put into the world, what hasn’t been said yet, that you are carrying from your particular experience. (Gene Gendlin DVD TAE in 14 Steps)
fees vary according to number of participants in the group:
ONE TO ONE one hour -> 6 sessions
US $ 85 per hour or 6 x 1 hour = US $ 500
TWO to ONE one hour -> 6 sessions
US $ 85 per hour or 6 x 1 hour = US $ 500
GROUP OF FOUR one and a half hour -> 6 sessions = 9 hours = 42.22 per hour = US$ 380.00
GROUP OF SIX one and a half hours -> 6 sessions = 9 hours US $ 38.88 per hour or 9 hours = US $ 350
See more at my website at:
Registration Information and Price
Register BEFORE February 10, 2022 e-mail [email protected]
send your name, e-mail address location (time zone)