All are welcome to a celebration of Gene Gendlin's life on Saturday, August 12.
Note to those unable to attend in person: If you cannot attend in person, please attend remotely. The entire event will be livestreamed (and recorded) to the Institute's YouTube channel. (Please note that if we experience any problems livestreaming to our YouTube channel, we will switch the livestream to our Facebook page.) During the afternoon symposia, we encourage you to submit comments and questions through YouTube's chat feature. We will be happy to post photos and videos of your gatherings in memory of Gene. There are already video remembrances of Gene available in Spanish at under the heading "Memorial Service." Send yours to our webmaster at [email protected] to have them uploaded.
The memorial will take place at Hebrew Union College in New York City (map here) on Saturday, August 12 at 10am (find your time here). All those attending in person will be required to show an ID in order to enter the building.
(all times are Eastern Daylight Time)
10am to 11am
Formal memorial service, including a video of Gene speaking (compiled by Nada Lou) and featuring remembrances by Kye Nelson, Ann Weiser Cornell, Rob Parker and Gerry Gendlin.
11am to 12pm
Open Sharing - all present are encouraged to honor Gene by sharing thoughts and memories of him. |
12pm to 1:30pm |
Reception with light refreshments. |
1:30pm to 2:45pm
(livestreamed) |
Symposium on Carrying Forward Gene's Legacy in Philosophy. Those watching by livestream are encouraged to comment and ask questions via YouTube chat during this presentation. This section is hosted by Rob Parker. Short statements by Matthew McNatt, Yoshiko Kosaka and Neil Dunaetz will be shared. William Potocnik and Bob Scharf will also be present to share thoughts and reflections.
2:45pm to 3:15pm |
Break |
3:15pm to 4:30pm
Symposium on Carrying Forward Gene's Legacy in Psychology. Those watching by livestream are encouraged to comment and ask questions via YouTube chat during this presentation. This section is moderated by Susan Rudnick. A video of Gene working with a client will be shown. Lynn Preston, Bala Jaison and Ruth Rosenblum will share their wisdom about the significance of Gene's work, and those present will be encouraged to share their reflections as well -- including those watching via YouTube.
4:30pm to 4:45pm
(livestreamed) |
Closing |
All are invited to the home of Lynn Preston for refreshments. Her home is about a 10 minute walk from Hebrew Union College. Address and directions will be given to those present.
An RSVP is not required but will help us know to expect you. We hope you will consider donating to the Institute in Gene's honor.

in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese, with the Hebrew and German translations coming soon.
Note From Catherine
ear friends,
At the end of a recent Focusing session, I felt grateful -- as so often I do -- for the insight which radically altered my view of a troubling situation. Yet the insight felt fragile. I feared that I wouldn't remember or incorporate it into my life. I know how I am. Maybe you're this way, too: I forget.
In Focusing, insights come from real bodily experiences, not from an effortful "figuring something out." And so I don't forget Focusing insights the way I might forget the information I memorized in my university courses. A Focusing insight feels more akin to a day with friends at a beach. We don't think that experience; our bodies do it. Our bodies feel the lapping of the ocean waves; our eyes see wild birds flitting to and fro; our ears hear parents cautioning children not to swim too far from the shore; our skin basks in the warmth of the sun. As my friends and I depart for home, the experience lives in me, and it affects who I am for a period of time -- maybe even forever.
But in those final moments of my recent Focusing session, I worried that I would go right back to the pointless struggle I'd just found release from. I feared that the insight would not live in me like a day spent with friends at a beach. I expressed this fear to my Focusing partner. She wisely guided me to give myself another moment to see what more I might need or what might come as support.
Immediately came a memory. When I was in seminary, I was in a small group which met for spiritual sustenance. The group was led by a Buddhist practitioner who sometimes said to us, "Your assignment for this week is that every day, just remember." He didn't tell us what to remember, because it wasn't a remembering of a "what." It wasn't a remembering of information. It wasn't a straining sort of remembering. The assignment was simply that each day, we should remember.
Just remember.
Those who had a personal connection with Gene Gendlin aren't likely to forget him easily. Your personal connection might be through having met him or having read his work, or simply having learned Focusing or Thinking at the Edge. Nevertheless, it is important, of course, that we honor Gene with moments set aside to remember.
A little over a week from now, the Institute will have its formal memorial service in his honor, followed that afternoon by a symposium on carrying forward his work in philosophy and then a symposium on carrying forward his work in psychology. If you cannot attend in person, please consider gathering friends together to watch our livestream. Details are included elsewhere in this newsletter and at our memorial website,
With warmest regards,
Catherine Torpey, Executive Director,
The International Focusing Institute
Letter from the Board of Trustees
by David Rome
David Rome is the chair of the Board of Trustees of The International Focusing Institute.
Three years ago the Focusing Institute - now The International Focusing Institute (TIFI) - entered a new phase, transitioning from a founder-led "mom-and-pop" organization to a mission-driven not-for-profit led by a highly qualified executive director and governed by an active Board of Trustees with advice and consent from a separate, policy-oriented International Leadership Council (ILC). This new structure is now well established and actively working to broaden the capacity of our organization to become a dynamic information and communications hub for the worldwide Focusing community.
As major changes always do, this transition has brought new challenges for how best to achieve our ambitious mission. No longer having a founder at the helm means there is no single individual who has the ultimate yes or no about policy decisions, what activities to undertake, and broader issues of culture and values. The Board of Trustees and the International Leadership Council, with essential input from many Focusing Coordinators, teachers and others in our worldwide community, recently completed a detailed strategic plan. This plan, which can be viewed here, sets forth four overarching goals for the next three to five years, and detailed action steps toward fulfilling those goals.
Primary responsibility for promulgating the practice of Focusing has rested with our worldwide network of Coordinators, senior teachers entrusted with organizing and guiding local groups as well as training and certifying new Focusing teachers. Those Coordinators who studied and worked closely with Gene and Mary, going back to the early 1970s, are now our precious elders and wisdom-holders. They also embody the unique Focusing culture, espoused and zealously guarded by Gene and Mary, of diversity and freedom to develop one's own fresh ways of guiding others into discovering this precious human resource.
At the end of the Diversity Statement that I drafted for the Institute years ago (during an earlier term of service as Board chair), there is a sentence saying, "TFI itself will seek to honor the values of non-standardization in its operations while recognizing that tension can arise between maximum diversity and the need for effectiveness and efficiency in meeting its goals." A current example of this tension is the widely-shared view that some provisions for quality control need to be adopted to ensure the integrity and good repute of Focusing teaching and practice as it enters mainstream culture. The ILC in consultation with the Coordinator community is now in the midst of a painstaking process of articulating clear new guidelines for how we name our Coordinators as a part of broadly looking into the Institute's certification process. (Nonetheless, we expect that some inspired individuals will also present Focusing in ways appropriate to particular circumstances without the need for professional certification, as I did myself to my fellow Buddhists for many years before becoming certified.)
I am especially excited by the different possibilities for regional and local groups around the world to align themselves with the international Institute and benefit from its growing resources. I am thinking particularly of the new, far more sophisticated and user-friendly website that has already been extensively researched by a team of professional experts and knowledgeable volunteers, and that will get built over the coming months.
Finally, I want to offer some personal thoughts regarding the mistrust of large, hierarchical organizations that is widespread in our community. Gene Gendlin was deeply and vocally opposed to highly centralized, top-down structures, based in large part I believe on his own narrow escape from the terrifying Nazi takeover of his native Austria when he was 11 years old. In my own career working in a succession of small to medium-size organizations I have certainly experienced the dangers of rigid, hierarchical structures; I have also come to understand and appreciate the need for clear lines of authority and accountability in the service of accomplishing a worthy but also complex and highly challenging mission. (As a former Classics major I would also point out that the "hier" part of hierarchy has nothing to do with higher and lower; it is from a Greek word meaning "sacred." Hier-archy at its best is sacred leadership.)
In closing I want to be clear that the opinions expressed here are my own and not those of the Board of Trustees. However, as a trustee of the Institute, I also very much invite differing opinions and feelings drawing on felt senses born of different - perhaps very different - life experiences. Now that both Mary and Gene have passed on, it is through our ongoing dialogue as a multi-cultural and multi-faceted community that our best future will emerge.
Greetings from the International Leadership Council
by Ruth Hirsch
The ILC was initially formed in the summer of 2014 in an effort to put more attention into the needs of language groups and cultures outside of the U.S. English speaking Focusing community. We realize that there are now people learning and practicing Focusing world-wide, and even more who could benefit from learning Focusing if it were accessible to them. It is our goal to make Focusing more accessible, as well as to ascertain and begin to meet the needs of Focusing trainers and Focusers world-wide.
At present, there are six members of the ILC: Akira Ikemi in Japan, Hejo Feuerstein in Germany, Donata Schuller in Switzerland, Roberto Larios in Mexico, Sergio Cisternas in Chile, and me in Israel. While we are not a representative body per se, we strive to be responsive to needs of Focusers internationally.
We realize that this continues to be a time of transition in various ways for the Focusing world. For example, in the past few years The International Focusing Institute has shifted from a Founder led organization to one in which more individuals have an input. Outside the Institute, more and more regional and local groups have come together to put on conferences and to support one another in a variety of ways, leading to less frequent International Focusing Conferences, while at the same time there is a plethora of Summer Schools and other Focusing conferences being held in various parts of the US and world-wide.
A challenge we've faced in the ILC is having far more ideas that we'd like to move forward with than time to make these a reality. I personally would love to see a rebirth of the old "Functional Wholes," committees that have come together at the request of the Board or Executive Director (the ED) to address one or another issue in our community. Members of Functional Wholes could include any Focusers interested in exploring a particular issue. In addition, it might be helpful to have groups comprised of Trainers to help to identify needs specific to trainers. To ensure that the efforts of these groups be most viable, there would be a designated liaison with a member of the Board, ILC, or the ED.
Finally, we'd also like you to know that we'd be happy to hear from you regarding any issue(s) related to Focusing and the Focusing world that might be of concern to you. Being aware of your needs and concerns is very helpful to us in framing our work. You can write to us directly at [email protected].
Nominations process for the Board of Trustees and the International Leadership Council (ILC)
by the Nominating Committee
Since 2014, the Institute has had a process for choosing the Board and ILC using a Nominating Committee. This allows the community to be involved in a wise and deliberative process for forming a strong team of leaders for the Institute. To learn more about this process, please go to the Board's webpage at and scroll down to the "Documents" section. There you will find " Why we use a nominating committee." We have this document translated into several languages.
This year, the Board said a fond farewell to Mary Jennings, who has served her three-year term and decided not to stay on for a second three-year term. She has been a strong asset, a hard worker, and a joy to work with.
The Nominating Committee this year is Aaffien de Vries, Catherine Torpey, Dana Ganihar and Sergio Lara. They have worked hard to find members of the community to replace Mary and to consider adding another member to the ILC. They began with the list of names that you, members of the community, had sent to previous Nominating Committees. They also asked you to send more names for consideration. Because of the kind of work a Board of Trustees does, for these nominees we especially seek out Focusers who have strong backgrounds in business, law, fundraising and organizational development. If you or someone you know has such skill sets, please recommend them to the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee will soon be officially nominating one member to the Board to replace Mary Jennings, and another as an additional member to the ILC. But its work is not complete, as Kevin Krycka will soon be resigning from the Board in order to concentrate on moving forward the new Eugene T. Gendlin Center for Research in Experiential Philosophy and Psychology.
The Nominating Committee also recognizes that there are some outstanding leaders who are well known in their local communities, but aren't well known to the wider world of Focusers. And so, it is looking to expand its role to work year-round, identifying such leaders (and potential leaders) and to connect them with the work of the international Institute in a variety of ways all year long.
Questions, ideas and suggestions of names of people to be considered can be sent to the committee at [email protected].
Building Connections in the Worldwide Focusing Family
by Tine Swyngedouw
Tine Swyngedouw is on the Institute's Membership Committee and is a Certifying Coordinator in Belgium.
In order to spread Focusing in the world, we need - among other things - strong Focusing communities. We need places where Focusers feel welcome to share Focusing, their experiences, and questions. We need places where Focusers feel connected and safe to work together on new ideas and projects. And we need places that offer a holding environment for all that is already going on and all that wants to grow.
In my opinion, we need these networks on all levels: the personal, regional, continental, and international levels. I strongly believe in the power of AND. Having strong communities on all these levels, as well as for Focusers with particular interests, will help us to bring more Focusing into the world as well as deepen our Focusing. For instance, personally I want to help build communities around Children Focusing, creativity, Inner Relationship Focusing, Interactive Focusing , TAE, and writing. I also want to help build communities around EFocusing (my private practice for psychotherapy and Focusing), around Focusing Flanders (the group of Focusers in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium), around the European Focusing Association (the European network for Focusers), and internationally with TIFI.
But how do you get involved in working on the international level when you are not living in New York and are not able to fly there? In 2016, I joined TIFI's Membership Committee because being actively involved and making connections and Focusing are important to me. Our goal is to build community and benefits for the members of TIFI, so that becoming and staying a member of TIFI is more than a financial transaction and more than an acknowledgement of Gene Gendlin's work, but a meaningful addition to your life as a Focuser.
There are several focus groups in this committee. I joined the "improving trainer support and connection among members" group because that sounded most like what I would like to do. I was touched by the welcoming energy in this group for people and for ideas. And I was amazed at how much was going on. We worked on organizing Roundtables, Trainer Talks, Cafecitos, a benefits letter for members, and ways for improving communications across languages in our global community. We have a monthly meeting with all committee members plus Catherine and Elizabeth. The work we do wouldn't be possible without the commitment and energy of all the committee members.
The Membership Committee wants to help members of TIFI to feel welcomed and connected to the worldwide focusing family. If you have ideas or questions for us, please let us know. You can write to me in Dutch or English with your ideas and questions about trainer support and connection among members.
New horizons for Community Focusing in El Salvador
by Beatrice Blake
Beatrice Blake has been teaching Focusing to community organizations in El Salvador since 2007. On August 26, she will be teaching our next Focusing Highlight: "Why Focusing and Nonviolent Communication Belong Together." For details and to register go to
Service nonprofits are notorious for not providing self-care training for their staff. So we are especially pleased that Catholic Relief Services of El Salvador - a major nonprofit in the area - is hiring me to do an 8-hour workshop on Generating a Culture of Peace! We commend CRS for taking self-care seriously, and we are pleased that they have chosen our combination of Focusing and NVC as a way to do that.
And there is more evidence of the growth of Focusing in El Salvador. As the Salvadoran Focusing community has matured, its members are increasingly spreading a culture of peace themselves.
Listening practice with veteranas in Guarjila |
Since February, they have been participating in online practice groups to develop their confidence in solo and partnership Focusing. I will go to El Salvador for a Level 3 training in September, sponsored by Eeq'Anil, an informal network of helping professionals who work on the front lines of social change. I will be giving advanced Focusers feedback on their practicums:
- Ana Vilma and Cecilia Pocasangre are bringing felt sensing into their work with youth groups, and hopefully will be able to record their sessions, so that they can contribute to research on the Experiencing Scale.
- Focusing trainer Melba Jiménez, a veteran of El Salvador's 12-year civil war, is bringing Nonviolent Communication and Focusing to groups of women veterans in three rural communities. For the first time since the signing of the Peace Accords in 1992, women members of the guerilla forces are being recognized as deserving of veterans' benefits. The National Institute for the Development of Women (ISDEMU) has been providing transportation and printed materials for Melba's workshops.
Melba's closing circle with veteranas in Tecoluca |
All of these efforts at generating a culture of peace in El Salvador have been made possible by donations from Focusers around the world. Thank you so much! We are grateful that TIFI provides a page through which you can become part of our team with your tax-deductible contribution. Your donation at will be ear-marked for Focusing El Salvador, with 10 percent going to TIFI.
by Xu Yongwei and Karen Whalen
Xu Yongwei is a Focusing-Oriented Therapist and a Wholebody Focusing Professional Trainer. She is a psychotherapist in private practice in China. She practices Focusing-Oriented Therapy and has extensive experience in Focusing practices, most recently in Relational Wholebody Focusing and Trauma Focusing.
Life is full of conflicts and confusion especially in this rapid and modern world. As a young woman, I worked in early childhood education and then later as a radio broadcaster. I became a therapist in 2005 because I wanted to use psychology to help myself and others have a happier life. I took the 2-year psychoanalytic course offered by the China America Psychoanalysis Alliance (CAPA) and other psychotherapy courses. I benefited very much from all of these, but Focusing, in another way, gave me even more.
Much like ancient Chinese wisdom, Focusing emphasizes embodiment and the connection between my whole body and the whole world. Although I agree with this, I still did not know how to do it. My habitual pattern is to work primarily with my brain. But gradually I began to work also with my body.
Karen Whalen is a Wholebody Focusing Certifying Coordinator and Psychotherapist in private practice in Canada. She offers training programs in Relational Wholebody Focusing worldwide.
When I first arrived in China, I felt overwhelmed by Shanghai, a city whose population is the same as the whole of my native Canada. I was afraid and a little worried about how Wholebody Focusing would be received. I was also afraid and stressed by how I would be received. I have learned from Focusing to give voice to my fears and stresses, that when I do this, they already begin to transform themselves. I shared my fears with the first person I met in China, Li Ming. He is there to meet my plane each time I arrive. He received my worries with gentleness and wisdom: "Ah yes, this is a human response. I too am a little nervous and worried about meeting you, a teacher from the West". A natural heartfelt connection was made at the first point of contact.
Há segredos que o teu corpo pode não estar a conseguir partilhar-te
translated by João da Fonseca
The Institute is finding ways to publish more content in multiple languages. Below, João da Fonseca introduces his translation of Marilyn Harding's Huffington Post article, which we shared in our May newsletter.
It is an honour and excitement to accept the TIFI offer to start bringing papers, articles, or news in other languages besides English. Until this actual date, Portugal rarely has anything written regarding Focusing and to my knowledge, Brazil is the only Portuguese speaking country that has Gendlin's original book translated.
So it sounded like a good idea to start helping the newsletter and the Portuguese speaking Focusers as well as the non-Focusers, by presenting an article that could speak to them all. With that in mind, I decided to translate a news article done by journalist Marilyn Harding from The Huffington Post. It's not only an article very much up to date since it was published at the 2nd of February 2017, but it was done by a person that had direct contact with our beloved approach in a way that allowed her to get in touch with some of its underlying principles. Furthermore, I felt that this article was able to turn something that at first sight might sound quite complex, into something really simple, easy to understand and relate with.
For people that are either more or less familiar with Focusing, this translation is an excellent ambassadress for this natural and sustainable method of personal, social and planetary development. I am rejoiced for making this little contribution in Portuguese.
Focusing Conversations Series
Listen to conversations with Focusers, hosted by Serge Prengel
In an experiential way, Kathy and Serge explore how deeper creativity and change can come through three different simple forms of listening: passive listening; active listening; Focusing listening.
Russell Delman, mid-May
The main influences on Russell's teaching are over 40 years of Zen meditation, his close relationship and training with Moshe Feldenkrais (he has helped to train over 2500 Feldenkrais teachers worldwide), a deep study of somatic psychology including Focusing, and his rich family life. Over the last seven years, his friendship with Gene Gendlin has illuminated his understanding of life and had a strong influence on his teaching.
Karen works with individuals and organisations to foster personal development and specializes in working with clients outdoors in London's parks and green space where she believes insight, change and creativity can happen most naturally.
The 12th Annual Focusing Institute Summer School (FISS)
Wouldn't it be great to be able to learn Focusing, or explore it more deeply, in the company of four internationally known teachers all together in one beautiful place for one week?
Come join us at our Summer School and explore Focusing for yourself. It just may be what you are looking for, for lasting change.
Belonging and Crossing in Community: Advanced and Certification Weeklong 2017
October 15 - 20 in Madison, Connecticut, USA
A look into planning the 2017 Weeklong. Here is an excerpt from a planning document written by our facilitators. We feel it captures the spirit and love of the Weeklong and conveys the feeling of this special week.
Our vision of the Weeklong
The Weeklong celebrates the diversity that exists in the Focusing world by holding a space where Coordinators, advanced Focusers, and newly Certified Focusing Professionals all come together to learn, play, make new friends, and experience belonging to an international community. It is an opportunity for students to cross the threshold into belonging to a wider learning community by exploring diversity, connections, and crossings, while sensing into how they will carry Focusing forward in their lives and work.
Jan, Edgardo, and I see our role as one of elders creating a safe, welcoming space where students from all over the world can open something new in themselves through the experience of being connected, while reflecting on their unique humanness. Something magical and much needed in our world can occur during an event like this - a gift to your students and to our international community.
The role of the Contributing Coordinator
As a contributing coordinator your role is to support the facilitation team in providing the best Weeklong experience for participants. You have a great deal of experience and expertise in working with groups and your understanding of Focusing and its many applications in teaching and training students.
Our first job is in welcoming students and creating an opportunity for belonging in the international world of Focusing. We will begin our Weeklong by celebrating the diversity of Focusing modalities, culture, and language. Your presence adds a lot to all of that.
Home Groups
Home groups are smaller groups that meet for about an hour and a half in the afternoon. Smaller groups allow a more personal dynamic for inquiry and sharing. The general themes to be explored are:
- Belonging and Crossing in Community
- What do you want to do with Focusing?
- What resources do you need to do that?
In short, we want you to help facilitate a group that provides a safe space for people to get to know each other, explore their interest in Focusing and sense into how they want to bring Focusing into the world.
Upcoming Conferences, Retreats and Workshops
August 14-19th
Garrison Institute, New York
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern time (US)
miércoles de 30 de agosto 2017
4 - 5:30 PM (Hora Nueva York)
Saturday, September 2
1 - 3 PM Eastern time (US)
September 9-10
September 30 - October 1
Starting February 9, 2018
Taught by Charlotte Howorth, LCSW
October 15-20, 2017
Mercy by the Sea, Madison, Connecticut
October 18 - December 6
April 25 - June 13, 2018
Taught by Ruth Hirsch, MSW, MPH, CMP
Being a member of The International Focusing Institute is one way of staying connected to the International Focusing Community and its latest developments. The Institute is a supportive matrix whose purpose is to help the human community integrate Focusing into its many ways of living and working, and to see to the continued thriving and evolution of Focusing and Focusing teaching.
We organize what has already been done so that people have access to it. We support a thriving philosophical community centered around the Philosophy of the Implicit.
To introduce Focusing to people requires reaching out on many levels: publicity; archiving resources; bringing focusing into schools, medicine, churches, businesses and other areas. As Focusing is introduced in these areas, we connect people who need to know about each other worldwide. Membership is a way to support our work, and, as we are a non-profit organization, your contributions may be tax deductible.
Each member of our International Community is special to us. We deeply appreciate that you care enough about this work we are doing together to put some of your life energy into it, whether in the form of training, personal development, organizing projects, money or in other ways.
Learn more here.
From the TFI Office
Translation and Interpretation
It is important to us to have as many of our communications as possible translated into as many languages as possible. If you are willing to translate written materials from English into your native language, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know your language, and how much time you can volunteer for this valuable task.
It is also important to us to be able to offer interpretation (spoken) when we have events such as the Summer School (FISS) and the Advanced and Certification Weeklong. When we have four or more people needing interpretation, we pay for an interpreter. Please contact us if you would be willing to be an interpreter, or if you know of someone who you believe would do this well.
Air Miles
We are a very international organization and it is extremely meaningful when we can be together. Frequently, however, members of our community cannot attend Focusing Institute events because in addition to the cost of the event, they have very high air fares. If you have air miles that you are willing to donate, please contact us. Your airmiles could be used to help members of the Board of Trustees and the International Leadership Council to attend their face-to-face meeting, or to help someone being certified to attend the Weeklong, or for any Focuser to attend FISS (the Focusing Institute Summer School). Please help give someone the chance for these meaningful connections!
Have you considered remembering the Institute in your will? Leaving a bequest can be a way to continue to promote Focusing well into the future. Please contact us if you are willing to do this or have done so already. Thank you! |