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Upcoming Courses, and Ongoing Groups and Services

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- Jerusalem Time
Yehudit First teaching Yehudit First
Social Oriented Focusing (SOF) invites us into an embodied practice to untie the KNOTS and NOTS that interfere with relating to others, enabling us to overcome blocks, fears, and automatic behaviors. Imagine being fully present in the here-and-now in a Focusing way, enjoying interpersonal moments with the freedom to be yourself, instead of repeating stressful patterns of separation.

In SOF Course Level 1, we will set out on an SOF journey of discovery from separation to connection. In a safe group setting, we will explore the steps from feeling alone to feeling together, while being our authentic selves.

SOF expands our Focusing awareness allowing us to meet others while remaining intimate with ourselves and our present moment experience, facilitating

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Central European Time
Focusing Praktijk Hester Wijenberg Hester Wijenberg BasisTraining Focusing Hester Wijenberg
In deze live 2-daagse BasisTraining gaan we door met verdieping en het oefenen van focussen met een focus maatje. We geven we ook aandacht aan problemen die zich kunnen voordoen tijdens een Focusing proces.

Als je wat meer wilt weten over Focusing, bekijk dan hier mijn video:

Live, Laren NH, the Netherlands
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Jerusalem Time
People Holding Hands Yehudit First
At some time or another, all of us have been in conflict with someone that we love or that is significant in our lives. Perhaps it was a parent, a child, a partner, a friend, a colleague…whoever it was, something happened, something got in the way of the relationship.

In Social Oriented Focusing ׂׂ(SOFׁ) there is an understanding that the relationship is more important than the conflict, and from this perspective, we can use SOF tools to stop our automatic patterns of reacting and actually manage the conflict.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
Mary Elaine's photo
ALL are welcome to attend -- whether you are an experienced Focuser or are brand new and would like to experience a new way to listen and be with yourself.
These 90-minute interactive Zoom-based gatherings are designed to create an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect for both experienced and less-experienced Focusers.
And - there's NO FEE to attend.
Facilitador: Carlos López Castilla,trainer focusing
Amona & Uta Buechler 5-Tages Retreat Focsuing + Authentic Movement
LIVE 5-Tages-Retreat, 20. bis 25. May 2025
Siebengebirge bei Bonn, Germany

In 2025, this is a retreat will be held in the German language but has been offered, and can again be offered in English.

Topic: Other
- Central European Time (CET)
Summer school in Iceland 2024 Excursion day summer school, Focusing and TAE within landscapes and environments
Training in Embodied Critical Thinking and Understanding (TECTU) is an interdisciplinary and international European Erasmus+ training program initiated by philosophers, cognitive scientists, environmental designers, anthropologists, and sociologists, tailored for students, researchers, and professionals from all fields. Immerse yourself in novel methodologies - such as Thinking-at-the-Edge, Focusing, Micro-phenomenology, Environmental Immersion, Experiential Listening, and contemplative approaches. These methods can be applied to any form of scientific inquiry, particularly when exploring uncharted territory, fostering a deeper understanding of your subject matter, yourself, and others.

The course will take place online (12 webinars) and in person (one week summer school). The summer school will be carried out in Bielefeld, Germany.
- Pacific
Jinevra Howard Ann Weiser Cornell
Discover powerful skills for life change based on self-acceptance and being present in the moment. Start to experience the process of Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn how to cultivate an inner environment of calm, open, curious awareness which is the foundation from which lasting change emerges. Interactive beginning Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.

Taught by Jinevra Howard and Ann Weiser Cornell (author of The Power of Focusing).

Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Gerard Porredón
Invitado: Gerard Porredón(Coordinador Focusing)
- Eastern Time
Mary Elaine's photo
ALL are welcome to attend -- whether you are an experienced Focuser or are brand new and would like to experience a new way to listen and be with yourself.
These 90-minute interactive Zoom-based gatherings are designed to create an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect for both experienced and less-experienced Focusers.
And - there's NO FEE to attend.

Topic: Free, Changes Groups
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2024 Smartview Conversations
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore the application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2025 is being our own Self-Mentor. We will explore and build the resourcing qualities life is asking of us now.
We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome. These webinars emphasize Gendlin's action step; how is it we bring Focusing concepts into our daily living.
We meet on the 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Ongoing
Un espacio para pausar... escuchar
y ser escuchado/a.
Modera: Miembros de la Junta de
Focusing España
- Central European Summer Time
Ann Weiser Cornell Barbara McGavin
Untangling® Retreats are 6-day residential retreats for people with Focusing experience who want to apply our Untangling® method to life’s most hard-to-change issues.

We’ve been teaching Untangling® Retreats in 15 countries over the past 25 years, helping thousands of people learn our method, getting responses like this one from Paul Fitzgerald: "The experience was like a dissolving of an old way of seeing life and having new eyes to engage life with more freedom. I'd highly encourage anyone interested in deepening their Focusing to take this course."

We believe that transformation occurs most readily in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance, openness, warmth, playfulness, and support. Our mission is to enable you to live from your vibrant,

Plön, Germany
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
Prácticas tutorizadas.
Formación de prácticas online
Facilitadora: Yolanda Vaquero, trainer focusing
Facilitadores: Coordinadores Focusing Focusing España
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2024 Smartview Conversations
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore the application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2025 is being our own Self-Mentor. We will explore and build the resourcing qualities life is asking of us now.
We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome. These webinars emphasize Gendlin's action step; how is it we bring Focusing concepts into our daily living.
We meet on the 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Ongoing
- Start ; Friday, 15:00 pm central european time
Team IFEF Focusing seminar 2024 Certifications in 2019
Thematic workshops: throughout the 4 days, a number of workshops on the theme of the inner path will be offered by various IFEF-certified trainers. They form the core of the seminar.

Introductory workshops on the practice of focusing: a “red thread” of discovery over 4 days: the stages of the focusing process, “bodily sense” and the experiential dimension, “bodily movement” and the emergence process, listening and internal location, etc...

Small groups: These are daily places of exchange, listening and sharing, where everyone meets up with the same participants in a more intimate space throughout the seminar.

Les Jardins intérieurs Quartier le buis – 07200 St Privat FRANCE – tél +33 (0)9 70 40 82 15 Coordonnées G.P.S : L.N.44°37'31'' l. E.4° 24' 38''
- Eastern Time
Headshot of a woman with a business jacket Logo of 3 hand drawn circles with the text Focusing With Laura
Join us for Part 2 of the live, virtual 9-week training in Inner Relationship Focusing. This next step in your journey deepens your practice, equipping you with the skills to foster profound, lasting change in both your personal and professional life.
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate
In June 2025, Professor Akira Ikemi will lead a three-day workshop for intermediate-level focusers in Warsaw, Poland. The workshop will cover Professor Ikemi’s current interests: Focusing Alpha and Focusing Beta, introduce Asian Focusing, and explore experiential scales. It is a great opportunity to practice in an international Focusing community and to visit the beautiful city of Warsaw at this lovely time of year. The workshop will be conducted in English.

INTRA, 40 Bajana Street, 01-904 Warsaw, Poland
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern time
happy to meet you our space expressive inner child work
Invite yourself to come to an intensive 5 day Focusing training in July 2024 about “A unique possibility to experience ‘Dynamic Focusing”! It will be from monday 7th (18 pm) till the saturday the 12th (13 pm) in Friesland. Several topics are essential and will be covered: Listening in three directions; The Emerging Body language Unconditional authentic empathy, Creating space, Safety and boundaries, Contact/ Contract; Selfcare; Working with symbolisations/ expression and of course (pre-verbal) inner child work. More information: look at

The venue is “De Bron” a retreat and conference centre ;There are plenty of opportunities in the local area for canoeing, walking, biking and sight seeing.