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Where & When
Our primary job as therapists is to “BE THE INTERACTION” that makes change possible, Gendlin tells us. In this ongoing seminar we enter an exploration of the kinds of relating that have the power to ignite healing and transformation. We enter the “realm of the US,” finding grounding and inspiration in the understanding that we are fundamentally interconnected! We “ARE INTERACTION.” We investigate how the ideas and skills of Gendlin’s focusing orientation and clinical psychoanalytic wisdom can help us deepen and enliven our sessions.
This seminar is both didactic and experiential. We encourage spontaneous dialogue, and improvisational demos as well as reflecting on theoretical understandings and discussing readings. It is designed for therapists but does not exclude those in other helping professions. We have three modules a year. New participants are invited to join at the beginning of each module.
Topics include:
Exploring the organic “US-ness” we are made of.
Embodying the culture of a “connectedness sensibility.” (Richard Geist)
Cultivating “US” thinking and attitudes.
Bringing relational consciousness to conflict and disagreement.
Attending to the “I” of ourselves as well as the “YOU” of the client and the “US” of the partnership.
Navigating our own needs in relation to our clients in ways that further the therapeutic relationship.
Keeping our balance in the pulls and pushes of genuine relating.
Cultivating an improvisational spirit as we stay connected to our own inner felt sense.
THE THERAPEUTIC US is an ongoing bi-weekly Zoom seminar that meets Thursday mornings, beginning JANUARY 19TH. All sessions are recorded and made available to the participants.