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New 2-year Focusing Oriented Therapy course to start!

London Focusing Institute offers their third FOT training in London 2020.

Your Hosts

London Focusing Institute Team, Frank Bock and Greg Madison Certifying Coordinators.

The course will be held at a beautiful spacious venue, The Study Society, in Central London (Baron’s Court) every second month for two years (12 meetings in total). For more information please see the description below.

Start date: 25-26 January at The Study Society, Baron’s Court, London.

Workshops will be every 2 months for 2 years, 6 workshops per year. Other requirements are on the leaflets at:


Registration form and Course Details available here:

There is a discount for early payment and payment instalments can be arranged if that is helpful. 

Graduates often have opportunities to return to assist with teaching our courses, thus gaining valuable workshop facilitation experience. 

Registration Information and Price

Registration forms and Details of the course are on the LFI ‘News’ section. Please contact us via the email on our LFI site for any questions. 

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