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Basic Focusing

for those who want to learn Thinking at the Edge

Your Hosts

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Beatrice Blake, teacher of Thinking at the Edge

Beatrice Blake

Where & When

Online Joining Information

You will be given the link to the class after you have signed up. Contact [email protected] to sign up or for more information.

Meeting Format

For Thinking at the Edge, it’s important to know how to allow a felt sense to form about whatever you are exploring. You need to know how to go to the edge and hang out there, not knowing, until symbols (words, images, gestures, memories, etc.) arise that fit the felt sense. It takes some practice for people new to Focusing to develop the kind of patience and trust of felt sensing that is required to allow this to happen.

The other skill required for TAE is the ability to listen in a spacious way without trying to give advice, comparing notes or directing the process of the Focuser in any way. Here also practice is needed to develop faith that each person’s process is unfolding as it should. Partnership practice is where a lot of carrying forward takes place in TAE.


Sign up by emailing [email protected] no later than Saturday, March 14. 

Registration Information and Price

This basic Focusing class costs $295 for six weeks, payable by PayPal. 

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