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Thinking at Multiple Edges (TAME): The Evolutionary Tale of How We Came to TAME

Saturday November 12, 2016
An Online Class Facilitated by Barbara Dickinson & Margie Herrick

Part of the Focusing Highlights International Series 

Imagine a group process grounded in Focusing that provides a systematic way for individuals to bring out not-yet-articulated inner wisdom, and then merge the unique newness of their discoveries into a whole that is larger and more visionary than the sum of its parts. A description of that convergence process that Barbara and Margie have developed will be shared in this session.

Because of the experience of that convergence, Barbara and Margie believe this process can be applied more broadly in business and other organizational endeavors. In this session, they will share this process for anyone who is interested in creating a new and better way to both form and run group endeavors in any environment. They will discuss how to create a shared foundation and connectivity among stakeholders that will enable forward movement, creativity and innovation.


For a copy of their article in the December 2015 Folio, follow this link

Highlight T.A.M.E. and W.I.S.E.


Margaret Herrick: Margie’s experience as a fundraiser, spiritual director and Certified Focusing Trainer has led her to a deep commitment to help individuals flow into right action by tapping into their inner wisdom. TAME brings this commitment into reality on an organizational level, merging each individual's wisdom into a new organizational whole.

Barbara J. Dickinson: In 2010, Barbara finished a long career at the U.S. Federal Reserve, and now consults on strategic organization improvement. In 2006, she learned Focusing, earning Certified Focusing Trainer in 2009. After consulting with The Focusing Institute, 2011-2012, Barbara now helps organizations improve emotional intelligence, innovate, and build better teams.