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Practicing Presence

Saturday, May 11, 2019
An Online Class Facilitated by Addie van der  Kooy and Cecelia Clegg

Part of The Focusing Highlights Series

During this webinar you will be able to explore how to fully access and embody Presence, a dimension in you which is sometimes described as the “underlying field of alive Presence.” It is experienced as a bodily felt aliveness or energy that can be felt regardless of anything that is going on inside and around you.

Embodying this “underlying field of alive Presence” allows your Focusing to take off in ways that are deeply healing and even transformative.
The experience of being in Presence does not come falling out of the sky during a Focusing session. It requires you to pause and practice accessing and activating this inner dimension of Being-ness; you could liken it to an “inner core muscle” that needs exercising. And the stronger it becomes the more accessible it is.
In this webinar session you will have plenty of time to exercise your core muscle of “Me Here” or Presence and there will be space for some sharing of experience.


Addie van der Kooy is a Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator in Wholebody Focusing (WBF). He has been working for almost 20 years with Kevin McEvenue, founder of WBF. Addie offers individual sessions, a WBF Foundation Course and also provides advanced training for The International Focusing Institute recognised WBF Trainer Certificate. He lives in the south-west of England.




Cecelia Clegg iis an International Focusing Institute recognized WBF Trainer. She lives and works in Scotland where she offers one-to-one accompaniment and introductory Focusing Workshops.

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