Friday, July 28, 2017
An Online Class Facilitated by Leonie Stewart
Part of The Focusing Highlights Series
Focusing is a “MORE than MINDFULNESS” way of being. Leonie wanted to get Focusing into schools and she did this by creating a holistic 10-week program called MORE than MINDFULNESS (MtM). MtM teaches students to pause, listen, reflect, communicate better, be kind, intentional, mindful and grateful and also learn to Focus. She has successfully implemented it in 5 schools. In this webinar, Leonie shares her MtM program. She shares her story of getting Focusing into schools, the joys and challenges of working with students and teachers, as well as leading participants in 4 Focusing exercises that she uses in the classroom.
Leonie Stewart is a Certified Focusing-Oriented and Emotion-Focused therapist, a teacher of Focusing and mindfulness, a sports coach, and a mother. She created the MORE Than MINDFULNESS (MtM) program for schools. As Gene Gendlin wrote about “giving therapy away,” Leonie knows her life’s purpose is to give Focusing away to as many young people as she can via the MtM Program. She hopes to expand her program with more Focusing and mindfulness teachers. The wish is for Focusing, mindfulness and other life skills in MtM to be systematically taught in schools, so that young people may increase their inner resources, resilience, and wellbeing. Her program website is