Saturday, June 24, 2017
An Online Class Facilitated by Marcella Calabi
Part of The Focusing Highlights Series
Wouldn’t it be great if you could be more confident, present and strong in your interactions with other people – and still be gracious and humane? To have your voice and be heard? Perhaps you feel inhibited in the literal use of your voice, speaking or singing. Perhaps you feel hampered or frustrated about the effectiveness of your communication with others or your actions in the world. Those different meanings of "voice" intersect with each other, and a Focusing approach to them is extremely powerful.
You already know more about how to do this than you probably realize. You don’t have to become – or wish you were – someone else. You also don’t have to behave in ways you don't want to, to make yourself heard. This webinar will introduce you to the skills you can acquire and doors you can open within yourself, allowing you to express more freely who you naturally are, your best self.
Marcella Calabi helps people find their voice and live from it. She is an outside-the-box thinker with training in music, negotiation/mediation and teaching/guiding, and a Certified Focusing Professional. She is inspired by the several meanings of voice: physical voice and the self it expresses, voice of personhood manifested in word and action, and inner voices accessed with Focusing. A portal to her work in all of these areas can be found at