Monday, October 30, 2017
An Online Class Facilitated by Sally Tadmor
Part of The Focusing Highlights Series
So you posted on Facebook, built a website (with a video!), and gave a free lecture at your old school. Why is your business not yet flowing?
What small businesses often lack is a wider overview and understanding of a marketing system.
- In this class we will learn:
- What is a marketing system?
- How a marketing system works I
- n a Focusing way, suiting the system to your values, audience, and style
- 3 basic ways to build a marketing system
To illustrate, Sally gives examples from her personal business story – how in 8 years she grew from a dry programming job to standing beside a fully booked, richly flowing, and profitable coaching and Focusing practice. She shares different phases that she went through and a few marketing strategies that worked for her.
Download the Powerpoint Presentation
Sally Tadmor a Focusing Coordinator in Haifa, Israel, has been a business coach for many years with great success. Her website is the top site for Coaching and Focusing in Israel, and she loves sharing her marketing savvy with others.
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