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Working with trauma - FOT approach

A transformative approach that simultaneously works with body, mind, and emotion

Your Hosts

Event Image
Biliana Dearly

Biliana Dearly

Where & When

May 27th and 28th, 2023, 9:30am - 5pm (both days)

Meeting Format
In Person

This advanced-level FOT workshop has an emphasis on working through the principles and stages of healing trauma. The FOT process works flexibly and creatively with a felt sense and the body’s intelligence. In such a way, it accesses and processes all aspects of trauma experience in a holistic, integrative way - somatic memory and sensations, thoughts and core beliefs, and emotions. The workshop is practical, with many interwoven examples and case studies.

This workshop will help you:

  • Recognise different types of trauma
  • Learn fundamental guidelines for working with trauma
  • Understand the FOT view of working with trauma
  • Identify fragile processes and learn how to adjust your work effectively 

This workshop will help you work with your clients in a way that:

  • Leads to stabilisation and trauma recovery - help your clients find safety in their bodies, reset old adaptations and responses to trauma, break free from dissociation and over-reactiveness and expand resources in regulating their responses
  • Follows the trauma resolution process – support your clients in processing traumatic experiences, recognise their needs and choices and learn how to build satisfying and meaningful lives.

You can find more about the workshop here.

Registration Information

To register and join the workshop, contact Biliana -

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