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Where & When
Throughout one's life, interaction with others is an engine for growth and development. We are born in and from interaction, and within interaction the self is defined and evolves. In Social Oriented Focusing, we Focus on and in the shared interpersonal space and develop a sense for social interaction.
Benefits of SOF
• Provides tools to deal with life’s situations real-time.
• Heals unfinished social issues in our lives.
• Teaches us how to be in interaction in relationship – completely with ourselves and completely with the other simultaneously.
• Invites us to use conflict for personal and mutual growth.
• Gives us the freedom to be our authentic selves in our closest relationships and in the world.
• Enables us to learn that our vulnerability is part of our uniqueness and power.
In this course, we will discover how powerful Focusing can be when it is used in the interpersonal-social circle.