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讓澄心聚焦教學更容易 (Exploring the easy way to teach Focusing)

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張卉湄 Lindsay Chang
張恕維 Victor Chang

張卉湄, 張恕維 Lindsay Chang, Victor Chang

Where & When

線上課程(課程會有錄影) Online (Class will also be recorded)
Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 9:00pm to 11:00pm
Eastern US (New York) time

Online Joining Information

After registering, you will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to join the class.

Meeting Format
The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events

 4月11 日(周六) 晚上9點到11點(美東時間) 

 4月12 日(周日) 早上9點到11點(香港/上海/台北時間)

Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 9:00pm to 11:00pm Eastern time (April 12 Sunday 9:00am to 11:00am Hong Kong/Shanghai/Taipei time)

全球各地時間換算 :請按此連結以轉換成您的當地時間

Times worldwide: Click this link for your time.


This class will be offered in Chinese only.



(class will be recorded for participants; no special computer skill or equipment required)



For those new to Focusing, getting stuck when learning to contact the felt sense or describe the handle often happens. Lindsay and Victor have been involved in teaching Focusing in many different communities and have developed interactional and fun ways to guide people in experiencing and applying it to daily life. In this class we will explore together several teaching methods that make it easier for students to get in touch with their felt sense and gain the handle to go deeper.



A.  從騰出空間、體會深感到描述把手的體驗方式


B.  利用不同工具指認及覺察,以達到自我同理、同理他人

        澄心卡、 3種存在狀態及覺察圈

Course Outline:

A.  Interaction, then Pause: The experiencing ways from clearing a space, felt sensing to describing the handle

B.  Focusing cards, 3 being states and awareness circles: Using tools to identify and perceive in order to gain self-empathy, empathy for others




A.  理論及方法講解、示範操作、學員分享45分、Q&A10分鐘

B.  理論及方法講解、示範操作、學員分享45分、Q&A10分鐘


Time allocation:

introduction & warm-up 10 min.

A.  theory/method , demo 35 min. sharing / Q&A 20min

B.  theory/method , demo 35 min. sharing / Q&A 20min



Audience: those who are interested in teaching Focusing in a fun and interactive way. Those with limited Focusing experience are also welcome.

本線上課程是在 Zoom上進行,Zoom是一個全球知名 、便捷的雲端服務。在課程中,您會看到導師及主持者,通常您的影像不會出現在螢幕上。課程中有些互動的題目,您可透過打字在訊息中回覆。


The video link will be to an easy to use website called Zoom. In this webinar format, you will see the teachers and host, but you will not be seen. You will be able to ask questions during the webinar by typing them.

You will need to have a computer/mobile device. Calling in by phone is also possible but not preferred. All registered participants will be sent a link to the video recording approximately two weeks following the course. So if you are unable to attend in person, you will still be able to view the class.


張卉湄 TIFI 澄心聚焦認證培訓師/考核協調員

她力行: 「澄心聚焦是屬於每一個人」的哲學。

除了專業人士的培訓外,將FOT 推廣至非心理專業的社會人士,落實Gendlin 人本主義的胸懷。結合她團體諮商及行動方法的專長,將澄心聚焦以創造自發的帶領方式到不同的族群,如企業組織、家暴婦女、監獄戒癮等。並設計澄心卡,使兒童、青少年和一般大眾容易和Focusing貼近。

Lindsay Chang, TIFI Certified Focusing Trainer/Coordinator. Lindsay implements the belief that Focusing belongs to everyone. She combines her expertise of Focusing and action method in groups. Counseling, she has brought Focusing to different groups such as organization executives, domestic violence women and drug addiction in prison. She also designed Focusing Cards to make Focusing easier to learn for children, teenagers and other clients. 


張恕維 TIFI 澄心聚焦認證培訓師


他在監獄中以淺顯易懂的方式帶領戒癮團體,並努力於將戒癮十二步驟(The 12 Steps Of AA)與Focusing相結合。

Victor Chang, TIFI Certified Focusing Trainer. Victor believes that if there is a peaceful relationship within, there will be a peaceful world. He led a detoxification group using a creative way in prison and is devoted in teaching combining The 12 Steps Of AA with Focusing.

Registration Information and Price

Lindsay and Victor提供這個課程全額贊助國際Focusing學會TIFI。





Lindsay and Victor are offering this class to support The International Focusing Institute. This live online class is pay-what-you-can. The suggested payment for US residents is $30.

If you need to give less, that's fine, but we do require each participant to give something. Please give extra if you can!

Thank you for supporting the Institute.

2019-12-05T13:00:00 - 2020-05-08T21:00:00


PLEASE NOTE: Soon after registering, you will receive a confirmation letter which includes the instructions on how to join the event.

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