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Details provided upon registration.
You've discovered you love Focusing...and you also know there's so much more to learn about applying it to your life. Living a Focusing Life is an 18-meeting, live, online advanced Focusing course to help you experience more confidence as a Focusing partner and work with key issues like action blocks, decisions, longing, and more.
Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell, author of The Power of Focusing.
Includes live meetings on Zoom, readings, discussions, group exercises, and partnership practices.
You'll get support and guidance to help you:
- Feel more skillful in your Focusing partnerships and being able to do Focusing alone.
- Have a deeper understanding of parts, felt senses, and how to live from Self-in-Presence more of the time.
- Guide yourself or someone else work with challenging issues like action blocks, decisions, and unfulfilled longing.
- Experience the sense of empowerment and choice that comes when you can be more fully present in your life.
What’s different and special about this training
Living a Focusing Life starts at an advanced level. It’s one thing to learn the concepts of Focusing. But to really integrate them takes time and practice. How great to be able to do that in a supportive group, with an experienced teacher!
Focusing isn’t just for those quiet times with your eyes closed. With practice, you can LIVE Focusing every day, all through the day — in your relationships, your decisions, your creative pursuits. You can live from and as Self-in-Presence, all day long.
When you spread that process of integration over nine months, with lots of practice, you end up with an experience of really living in a new way. Priceless!
If you want Focusing to be a more central part of your life, this course is for you!
Allison Jones
Registration Information and Price
September 16, 2024 - May 19, 2025
18 Mondays, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Pacific