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Introduction to Focusing as action-oriented contemplation (Session # 2)

A free 4-session introduction to Focusing (Session 2)

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introduction to focusing

Serge Prengel

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Focusing is the mindful practice of using our bodily felt sense to guide our actions, moment by moment. We turn our attention inward to notice subtle sensations and see them gradually come into focus and become meaningful. The word "focusing" evokes what happens when we adjust binoculars: a blurry image turns into a clear one. 

I am offering this 4-session course as a fund-raiser for The International Focusing Institute (TIFI). The course is free. I hope that, if you like it, you will make a donation to TIFI. How much you give is up to you. It is totally separate from registering for this course.

Session 1 took place on January 16. If you did not attend session 1, you can still attend the other sessions. In session 1, we paid attention to the different ways that we can listen. You can catch up with the recording at

In session 2, we build from there to notice and deepen the natural three-step process of mindful engagement that underlies Focusing. 

In session 3, we pay more attention to the felt sense: how it forms, how we notice it, how it carries forward. 

In session 4, we integrate this naturally flowing practice with the traditional description of Focusing as a six-step process.

All 4 sessions include time in break-out rooms for practice. If you attend the live session, you will be asked to participate in a break-out room practice. If you do not want to practice live, please do not attend the live event. Just register, and you will receive a link to the recording after the event.

The remaining 3 sessions are on Saturdays February 6, February 27, and March 20. Sessions start at 1 PM Eastern Time USA (New York City). Each session lasts two hours. 

Serge Prengel is a Focusing-oriented therapist. He has been hosting TIFI’s Focusing Conversations series and the Active Pause & Mindfulness podcast.

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