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Focusing-Oriented Therapy One

Learning How the Body Speaks and Listening so It Heals

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Jeffrey Morrison, LMHC, Founder of Seattle Focusing Institute

Where & When

April 11 - May 2, 2025, 9 AM - 12:00 PM

Meeting Format

We begin with learning the basic steps of Focusing so you can practice with a partner and bring Focusing into your healing practice. Understanding and working with a felt sense (how the body holds living experience about a situation) is the key to moving beyond the typical dead ends of talk therapy. Like mindfulness, Focusing helps us step back and observe our experience and then takes us further into Relational Presence with inner parts and with one another.

FRIDAY Mornings 9 AM - 12:30PM PST - 12 CEUS - No previous experience necessary


Jeffrey Morrison

[email protected]

Registration Information and Price

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