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Focusing-Oriented Therapies Association Summit Meeting

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FOT Summit

Lynn Preston, Greg Madison, Jim Baumbach, Joan Klagsbrun, Vivian Hung, Jeffrey Morrison, Joke Post

Where & When

Saturday, September 21, 2024, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Eastern Time

Meeting Format

We, the planning committee of the Focusing-Oriented Therapies YouTube Channel, on the occasion of reaching 1000 subscribers, would like to invite you to an online summit on Saturday September 21, 2024, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., EDT, when together we will carry forward ideas for developing our FOT community. In the past few years, a growing number of Focusing-Oriented Therapists have felt the need to have their own identity. The Focusing-Oriented Therapies YouTube Channel was created in response to this need. Encouraged by the channel’s positive reception and steady growth of both content and followers, we were inspired to propose the creation of a new international FOT association that would enrich our clinical work, trainings and outreach to make Focusing-Oriented Therapy better known. We have invited a diverse panel of FOTs to share their visions for our new association. After an attunement and a moderated discussion, we will divide into breakout rooms for deeper and more specific discussions. Finally, we will reconvene in the main group to hear reports from the breakout rooms in order to form a few working groups to take action on our greatest priorities, such as updating the IAFOT website, collecting training materials, creating structure for the new association, planning for international supervision groups, designing a new monthly journal, collaborating with TIFI and other Focusing organizations, etc. We are eager to invite broad international cooperation by sharing all our thoughts and ideas at the beginning of this exciting initiative. If you plan to attend, please rsvp below. The zoom link will be sent to you a week before the summit.

Registration Information and Price

To register, please send an email to [email protected] with the word SUMMIT in the subject line.

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