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A Biweekly Online Study Group for Therapists Led by Lynn Preston & Charlotte Howorth

Your Hosts

Event Image
Charlotte Howorth
Lynn Preston

Lynn Preston and Charlotte Howorth

Where & When

Online Joining Information

A Zoom meeting room will be set up for the classes and the details will be emailed to you once you sign up.

Meeting Format

We have a few openings in our every other week online focusing oriented therapy study group. In this group we co-create the kind of learning experience that exemplifies and instances the focusing concepts and skills we are studying.

Focusing is known primarily as a transformative approach for helping our clients to access what they are experiencing beneath the level of their words and thoughts. Focusing  enables clinicians to enliven and deepen  counseling and psychotherapy by responding in  such a way that  can bring the conversation  into the feelingful, immediacy of the present moment. What is less known is the ways in which a Focusing approach brings the therapy relationship alive. It provides understandings and skills that open up new pathways to deepening and empowering the healing partnership.

 In this zoom group we explore the “HOW TO” as well as the CONCEPTS  that can nurture our work. In an atmosphere of open exploration we discuss readings, look at videos, do demonstrations and explore clinical challenges.

We will be exploring how to tap into and use the felt sense of the 'I', the 'You', and the 'Us' in sessions.

This group is helpful, not only for psychotherapists, but  for counselors, coaches, body-oriented therapists, and spiritual advisers.

STARTING DATE  Jan 13th 2020 but it is possible to join after this date.

TIME.  9:45 - 11:15

First Semester Eight 1 hour and 15 min classes biweekly (every other week)

FEE: $280

TO REGISTER send a one paragraph introduction of yourself and a picture to [email protected] and to [email protected]



[email protected]

(USA) 347 489 9587

Registration Information and Price

Please email cCharlotte at [email protected] or call /text her on (USA) 347 489 9587

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