Your Hosts

Where & When
A 24-hour marathon of Focusing!
For 24 hours, beginning at 8am Eastern Daylight time on Saturday, September 25th, experienced Focusers will be on Zoom to offer you a taste of felt sensing and an opportunity to connect with one another!
COST – Donation-based
This is a fundraiser and we ask that you donate as you can.
13 different languages!
Each hour will be given in a different language with English translation.
This is a chance to experience Focusing with a variety of teachers who will lead you in an experience to guide you toward your felt sense. You don't need to know anything about Focusing or the felt sense in order to attend; this is for you if you want to be able to be more attuned to your body and what it is holding.
Each hour will offer a brief felt sensing experience with just enough instruction to orient the newcomer, and given in the language indicated on the schedule with English translation. Newcomers and experienced Focusers alike are invited!
You must sign up in advance to attend. We will send you the Zoom information after you've registered. Then attend as many one-hour sessions as you like for 24 hours! (Please come on time at the beginning of the hour and stay for the whole hour.)
Please forward this to anyone and everyone you think may be interested.
Each hour is given in the language listed and English.
Saturday 8am NY Time - Danish |
Saturday 8pm NY Time - English Your local time here |
Saturday 9am NY Time - Italian Your local time here |
Saturday 9pm NY Time - Japanese Your local time here |
Saturday 10am NY Time - Croatian Your local time here |
Saturday 10pm NY Time - Japanese Your local time here |
Saturday 11am NY Time - German Your local time here |
Saturday 11pm NY Time - English Your local time here |
Saturday 12pm NY Time - French Your local time here |
Midnight Saturday/Sunday One hour break |
Saturday 1pm NY Time - Italian Your local time here |
Sunday 1am NY Time - Japanese Your local time here |
Saturday 2pm NY Time - English Your local time here |
Sunday 2am NY Time - Chinese (Taiwan) Your local time here | |
Saturday 3pm NY Time - Portuguese Your local time here |
Sunday 3am NY Time - English |
Saturday 4pm NY Time - Spanish Your local time here |
Sunday 4am NY Time - Dutch Your local time here |
Saturday 5pm NY Time - Spanish Your local time here |
Sunday 5am NY Time - Russian Your local time here |
Saturday 6pm NY Time - Spanish Your local time here |
Sunday 6am NY Time - Turkish Your local time here |
Satuday 7pm NY Time - Spanish Your local time here |
Sunday 7am NY Time - German Your local time here End Saturday 8am NY Time |
*Schedule Note: TIFI reserves the right to cancel, change and alter the program if necessary.
Registration Information and Price
$ 5.00
My Donation
$ 10.00
My Donation
$ 25.00
My Donation
$ 50.00
My Donation
$ 100.00
My Donation
$ 0.00
TIFI reserves the right to cancel, change and alter the program if necessary. Participants authorize TIFI to use their name, statements and likeness without charge, for promotional purposes in publications, advertising, video, web, new media, or other formats.
At many of our events, we will end class by taking a screenshot. All those who don't want to be included will have the chance to leave. Taking screenshots for sharing (such as on social media) are not allowed at other times during the class. Thanks for your cooperation.