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The zoom link to page with the videos will be sent on April 14 when the Summit opens.
Facets of Focusing - Online Summit
April 14 - 25, 2022
watch at your convenience
The International Focusing Institute is delighted to offer our second Facets of Focusing Online Summit!
Once again, we’ve combed through our archives of the many engaging people who have offered workshops, lectures and classes over the last several years. We’ve curated a collection which will give you a broad experience of many facets of Focusing and Felt Sensing.
You'll get 12 videos for 12 days! All 12 videos will be available to you for the whole 12 days. All will inspire you with the many ways that life and society can break free from preset patterns. See the selection of videos below.
We are offering this Summit during the week of Easter/Passover which we know will be a week off for many of you. This might be a time when you have more leisure to watch these videos and to connect on Zoom conversations.
The Summit includes two Zoom conversations each day at opposite ends of the day, to accommodate all time zones. We hope you’ll attend as many of these as you can. The Zoom sessions are unscripted opportunities for you to share reflections on what you’ve watched with other participants in the Summit. We are in the process of inviting the video presenters to see if some of them can join us for these Zoom calls. When we have those details, we will let you know.
After the Summit, these videos go back into our archives, so don’t miss this opportunity!
We warmly welcome you to join us for this exploration of the many Facets of Focusing!
Video Selections
Video - Changing the Unchangeable through Domain Focusing
Robert Lee, Ph.D. is a Focusing theoretician and innovator. He is an international leader in developing Focusing trainers, Focusing Oriented Psychotherapists (FOT) and Coordinators (who are authorized to teach trainers and FOT's). He led the Advanced Certification Weeklong at the Focusing Institute in New York for 7 years. A licensed psychologist, Lee has developed a new model for teaching focusing (Domain Focusing), he has developed a theory and practice for overcoming stubborn problems (Changing the Unchangeable through Domain Focusing-aka Macroshifting). He has developed a comprehensive practice for working with difficulties in felt sense formation (Elusive Felt Sensing). In psychotherapy, he has developed special methods for using focusing with anxiety and depression and with couple and group psychotherapy. He has developed cross-lingual focusing partnership which allows people with an imperfect common language to still have focusing exchanges which work. He has developed a method for language acquisition using focusing. He served on the Board of The Focusing Institute during its transition beyond the founder stage. For many years he served on the board for a consortium of humanistic and transpersonal graduate psychology programs, CDPP, which was inspired by Clark Moustakas, a close colleague of Eugene Gendlin.
Video - Creating a Culture of Relationality: Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy
Joan Lavender, Psy. D has studied Focusing since the 1970s and integrated it with the Relational School of Psychoanalysis. She loves to write about this work and to mentor therapists who are expanding their clinical skills in this direction. She is a founding member of the Focusing Oriented Relational Psychotherapy Program in New York City (now called EPP-Experiential Psychotherapy Program) envisioned and created by Lynn Preston. She is very grateful to her EPP colleagues for their creativity, intellectual and emotional nourishment. When she is not seeing clients in NYC, she is learning to slow down and take in the beautiful countryside alongside a lake in Connecticut.
Video - Trails to a Living Philosophy
Dana Ganihar, M.Sc., teaches Focusing and the Philosophy of the Implicit, explores the deep potential of Focusing and the process model for diverse fields such as science, architecture and Buddhism.
Dan Schachter, M.A., is a Clinical Psychologist, Focusing Coordinator and a Somatic Experiencing practitioner and supervisor. He teaches Focusing Oriented Therapy (FOT)and the Philosophy of the Implicit.
Video - The Crossing Between Focusing and Sexuality
Kati Kimchi is a Focusing Coordinator who has been teaching and facilitating Focusing at her clinic in Israel for more than 10 years. The crossing between Focusing and sexuality was born out of her own need to explore the sensitive issues of sexuality – whether they were the subject of the meeting or naturally arising in a session. Over the years, Kati has learned that entering emotional space through issues related to sexuality enables direct contact with the deepest parts of our inner world (safety issues, communication, traumas, etc.) and lead us to a unique shift. Kati can be reached at [email protected]
Video - Self-Care for Healing Professionals – A Focusing Approach
Jane Quayle is a Certifying Coordinator for The International Focusing Institute and is trained as a Counsellor, Psychotherapist and Educator. Jane has taught in a variety of tertiary institutions including University of Western Sydney, Macquarie University and the Jansen Newman Institute.
She has a passion for introducing Focusing into the training of counsellors and psychotherapists. Jane believes that fluency with your own felt knowing is both protective against burnout for the therapist and a healing asset in any client encounter. Jane is committed to assisting people to live their lives in fuller, deeper and more self-accepting ways.
Video - Introduction to Wholebody Focusing: Inviting Something about the Alchemy of Coming Together in this Particular Way
Laura Dickinson, M.A. is a Certified Trainer for Wholebody Focusing as well as a Certifying Coordinator of the Focusing Institute. She has participated in both Advanced Training Programs in Wholebody Focusing, all five levels of Inner Relationship Focusing, and Focusing Institute Summer Schools as both student and teaching assistant. Laura offers attuned guidance in Wholebody Focusing that helps open “stuck” situations naturally and allows your inner body wisdom to lead forward. Laura is delighted in how the body holds, creates, and reveals it’s astonishing, profound, and available inner wisdom. Focusing is a healing gift that Laura loves to share as she works with you.
Lynn Rosen is a Certified Trainer in Whole Body Focusing, has had the privilege of working privately with Kevin McEvenue for many years, as well as training with him and Karen Whalen in both Advanced Certification programs. She has attended FISS several times and participated as an assistant to Kevin in 2015. She is also a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique and is grateful to both F.M. Alexander and Kevin McEvenue for what they have brought into her life— bodily experiencing of sensing abilities that bring joy-full living.
Elizabeth Morana, Ph.D., is a Certified Trainer in Wholebody Focusing who loves finding the connection between WBF, Heart Felt Connection, and developing her direct-knowing, direct-encountering of things spiritual. She participated in both of the 2 1/2-year Advanced Training Programs in Wholebody Focusing, and has been an eager participant in a heart-felt-connecting group with several WBF trainers since 2013. She has enjoyed WBF at FISS as both a student and as a teaching assistant more than once.
Video - Holding Up the Mirror: Focusing Oriented Counseling and Support in a Mindfulness Based High School
Peter Ryan, teaches meditation, literature, and martial arts. He and his colleagues founded Tinicum Art and Science in 1997, the first mindfulness based high school in the country. After TAS closed, a group of teachers and parents founded The Lotus School of Liberal Arts last year. Peter holds three black belts in Zen Sword. He has a masters in clinical psychology and completed training in Focusing Oriented Therapy in 2015. He is translating the medieval Chinese Zen text, the Blue Cliff Record, and writes on the function of the bodhisattva therein. Contact Peter Ryan at [email protected]. Peter is currently a Coordinator-in-Training.
Video - Philosophy of the Implicit and Being Together Around Conflict
Banu Ibaoglu Vaughn, PhD, LPC has been involved with Focusing since 2000 after getting introduced to it in graduate school. She has been a practicing clinician with adults and families for fifteen years, integrating in her work a worldview that has emerged from the study and practice of Focusing and its underlying philosophy. She later studied Gendlin’s philosophical work as a part of her PhD and completed her dissertation on crossing Gendlin’s philosophy with a particular restorative dialogue practice. Her work is around possibilities of dialogue as a way for humans to access other ways of being in the world and create together in its many forms.
Video - Focusing with Parts, Body Cards, and the 8 Cs of Self-Leadership
Annette Dubreuil, MBA, BSc, Coordinator-in-training is an Embodied Creativity Facilitator, Coordinator-in-training, and environmentalist living in Toronto, Canada. She teaches embodiment to catalyze creativity and sustainable change within individuals and their teams—with the ultimate aim of a better world. With organizations she uses a host of embodied creativity facilitation tools: Theory U/Social Presencing Theatre, Dynamic Facilitation, and Open Space Technology. Annette teaches Focusing to individuals, one-on-one and in groups, via workshops, courses and via her PUPA Focusing training program. Her previous work was dedicated to sustainability and climate change research, most recently as communications director at Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. Annette is certified to teach Focusing through The International Focusing Institute, as a Certified Focusing Professional. She has completed the Presencing Foundation Program in Theory U at MIT. She has an MBA in sustainability and non-profits from the Schulich School of Business, and an undergraduate degree in environmental science from the University of Waterloo. She enjoys gardening, rock climbing, cycling, and cooking. Email: [email protected]
Video- Thetaland - A Playful and Refreshing Way to Think at the Edge
Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee is a self-employed organizational psychologist, person-centered counselor, and Focusing/TAE-trainer. She brings 20 years of experience in teamwork, leadership and project management while working as a material scientist in research institutes and in industry. Evelyn applies Thinking at The Edge (TAE) to innovation and teams, facilitating knowledge communication and concept creation. She is a coach for professional orientation and development. She teaches TAE internationally and is in charge of TAE training at DAF (German Focusing Training Institute). She has been developing Thetaland and is part of the research project “Experiential Thinking” at the University of Würzburg. website:
Video - A Taste of Interactive Focusing
Masumi Maeda is a certified Clinical Psychologist, a Certified Focusing Trainer and a Master Teacher of Interactive Focusing certified by Janet Klein. She has given Interactive Focusing workshops since 2006 in various parts of Japan as well as in China (5 times), Belgium and USA. She has acted as one of the presenters of Morning classes at 2017 FOT International Conference. She has translated Janet Klein’s “Interactive Focusing Therapy” into Japanese in 2005 and wrote a handbook about Interactive Focusing with Mieko Ito in Japanese in 2016.
Tine Swyngedouw is a psychologist and experiential psychotherapist. She is a Focusing Trainer and FOT since 1995 and Certifying Coordinator from Belgium. She is a Teacher of Interactive Focusing certified by Masumi Maeda and Mary McGuire. She offers focusing workshops and training to become a Focusing Trainer and/or Focusing-Oriented Therapist. She has a special interest in Inner Relationship Focusing, Interactive Focusing, Experiential Creative Work and TAE.
Video - The Third Age: Gathering Our Wisdom for the Journey Ahead
Joan Klagsbrun, PhD, is a psychologist, a Certifying Coordinator in Focusing, and a Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy Trainer who has been practicing for the past 40 years. Joan also is an Adjunct Professor at Lesley University, where she has taught Focusing and integrates her long-standing interest in the intersection of spirituality and psychology. She also taught for several years at the Focusing Summer School.
Joan has been teaching Focusing to the public and to health care and mental health professionals nationally and internationally for over three decades across six continents. For fourteen years, she served on the Board of the Focusing Institute. Her publications include articles in professional journals and chapters in several books. Her most recent chapter, co-written with Julian Miller, is Acknowledging the Dark and Embracing the Light in the Time of Covid-19, published in Senses of Focusing Volume I in 2021.
Ruth Rosenblum, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and co-founder of the Westchester Changes group. Trained in Focusing-Oriented Relational Psychotherapy, she has had a private practice in New York State for many years. A Certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher as well, she leads weekly meditation groups for seniors as well as Wise Aging groups, a program which includes both Focusing and meditation practices. Participants of wise aging groups report how experientially exploring aging has dramatically improved their wellbeing. They have a greater sense of life purpose, possibility, and community connectedness. It is Ruth’s belief that this “aging work” is an important contribution towards positive social change and the development of gerotransendence, which describes the expanded consciousness that aging can bring. .
Registration Information and Price
Regular Price $80 Modified Price $40 Lowest Price $20
Three tier pricing. We welcome you to select the level right for you, while reminding you that if you have a reliable means of support and live in a country with a strong economy, we ask that you pay the regular price. By choosing the highest amount you are capable of paying you help make the sliding scale possible. Thank you!
Refunds: A full refund minus a $15 administrative fee (regardless of the registration fee paid) for cancellations 14 days before the start date. Cancellations less than 14 days before the start date are nonrefundable.
TIFI reserves the right to cancel, change and alter the program if necessary. Participants authorize TIFI to use their name, statements and likeness without charge, for promotional purposes in publications, advertising, video, web, new media, or other formats.
At many of our events, we will end class by taking a screenshot. All those who don't want to be included will have the chance to leave. Taking screenshots for sharing (such as on social media) are not allowed at other times during the class. Thanks for your cooperation.
Registration will remain open until April 24th 5:00 pm NY Time, however video access ends for all registrants April 25th, regardless of your registration date.
$ 80.00
Regular price
$ 40.00
Modified price
$ 20.00
Lowest price