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The Recordings - The Felt Sense Conference 2023
January 19 - 22, 2023
6:00 pm Thursday - 2:00 pm Sunday
Your time here
Registration will remain open until April 1, 2023 because recordings will be available until April 30, 2023.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Spirituality and the Murky Edge”
One must learn to wait, there, with that, and return to that repeatedly while it remains murky and closed for a time…. Soon big steps come from these…. it is within close reach of anyone. It is not… too mysterious to have. ~ Gene Gendlin
The Felt Sense Conference began in 2018 to honor the legacy of Gene Gendlin by exploring the many facets of felt sensing. The image for the conference is a bridge as a reminder that when we honor the felt sense, it carries us forward to new territory. We explore together the next bridges to cross, from where we are now to the next right place to go.
Darryl Commings |
Paula Gamble-Grant | Gabrielle Hoffman |
Yao-Obiora Dibia |
View Schedule /Ver Horario
Baruch Brenner & Dana Ganihar - When Gendlin Cried…From the `murky edge` of Focusing to the `misty edge` of Prayer
“I cry because when I take in how infinite and marvelous and beautiful it all is, the crying comes.” (From Gendlin's conversations with Dave Young)
“...And Moses approached the mist where God was.” (Exodus 20, 17)
What happens when our awareness opens itself to the ‘living edge’? Gendlin turned our attention to the ‘murky edge’, from which, new steps enable us to carry forward our lives. In the .... read more and bios Español
Darryl Commings - Responding to Religious Trauma: Felt Sense as a Model for Ministry
We will take as our point of departure a definition of religious trauma as the result of using religion for harm and domination of persons or groups. However, we live in contexts of growing secularism, religious pluralism and contestation more and bio Español
Glenn Fleisch - Educing the spirit: letting the body’s energy lead us back and play itself out
The body is the womb of the spirit- through which we gestate and birth our inner being. Through a guided experience, we will experience the somatic practice of educing, a process of awakening, drawing out, and bringing forth latent, hidden, and undeveloped energies. We act .... read more and bio Español
Paula Gamble-Grant - The Companioning of Souls: Focusing as a way of Integrating Heart, Soul, Mind and Body
The Companioning of Souls is an ancient practice across multiple faith traditions. From the Celtic “Anam Cara” (Soul Friend) to the desert mothers/fathers and Sufi masters, spiritual companions have existed to help people walk in and through the liminal and murky spaces of life and faith. Even now, the “spiritual-but-not-religious” faith is growing more and bio Español
Peter Gill - "Nature as a doorway to spirit"
For millennia, humans have walked into the unknown edges and wild places to seek answers. In the same way that we go inside with our kind, curious attention and listen for wisdom, we can also go outside, into the natural world and listen for its wisdom. It knows we are here and can communicate with us. This doorway opens us up to new realms of discovery, freshness, belonging and opens a pathway to what we could call spirit. Here we can listen to what it knows and what it asks of us.
Peter Gill is one of the UK’s foremost Focusing trainers. He has been teaching for more than fifteen years; leading retreats, workshops and classes. He is qualified with the British Focusing Association and more and bio Español
John Keane - BioSpirituality and the Murky Edge - An Exploration of the Role of the Felt Sense in Spirituality
Fr Peter Campbell, co-founder of the BioSpiritual Institute often stated that any serious spiritual research “must” contain some dimension of the role of felt sensing. In this workshop, we will examine this statement in terms of: 1. The need for a more and bio Español
Kyle Kung - The Application of Zen and Focusing—Oriental and Occidental integration
Experiential Focusing guilds us to deeper self-knowledge and healing with a warm and open attitude, to reach body and mind harmony. The teachings of Zen has a long history and deep philosophy behind more and bio Nota: La traducción al español no estará disponible para este taller.
Marta Fabregat - Sensed Ecology, the green breath within: How spiritual nature connection can affect change in our everyday focusing practice /Ecología sentida, el aliento verde interior: cómo la conexión espiritual con la naturaleza puede afectar el cambio en nuestra práctica diaria de Focusing
Have you ever been in silence, unhurried and without time in a forest, letting yourself feel in touch with the life that occurs there from within? more and bio Español
Serge Prengel - Embodied Spirituality: felt sense of life as interaction /Espiritualidad encarnada: sensación sentida de la vida como interacción.
If you are a Focuser, you have a spiritual practice. It is called Focusing. Why is that? Nothing exists in a bubble, separate more and bio Español
Evelyn Fendler-Lee - Understanding Spirituality /Comprender la espiritualidad
Spirituality embraces many definitions and practices. In this experiential workshop, we first will uncover our own meaning of spirituality and deepen more and bio Español
Salvador Moreno - Focusing and Prayer: a dialogue with God /Focusing y Oración: un diálogo con Dios
Listening to God (the Transcendent) requires inner silence, paying attention to experiencing, and an openness to receive more and bio Español
Amona Buechler - Allowing or Inviting a Spiritual Dimension in Focusing with Symbolizing /Permitir o Invitar una Dimensión Espiritual en Focusing con Simbolización
In a deep Focusing process we might pass through or end up in vast silent spaces. Can we continue to Focus while allowing those spaces to remain? Eugene Gendlin said: “There’s more and bio Español
Luke Jaaniste - Vastness, Liveliness, Beauty: an experiential conversation about immanent and transcendent in Gendlin’s philosophy and your life /Inmensidad, vitalidad, belleza: una conversación experiencial sobre lo inmanente y lo trascendente en la filosofía de Gendlin y en tu vida
In providing us certain ways of bringing our attention to,connecting with, thinking from, and living more fully with the “implicit intricacy” of our ongoing living process, Gendlin has opened a rather secular door more and bio Español
Mariya Hoffman - Higher Self as Container for the Felt Sense /El Yo Superior como Contenedor para la Sensación Sentida
The concept of a “higher self” appears in spiritual traditions and some schools of psychology. It’s typically characterized as compassionate, existing in a space beyond stuck patterns. Gendlin describes more and bio Español
Carla Kreft - Clearing a Space as a path towards Dissolving Identity and Perceiving the Spirit /Despejar un espacio como camino hacia la disolución de la identidad y la percepción del espíritu
In his book, Focusing, Gene Gendlin described the preliminary step of “Clearing a Space” as “the inner act of distancing yourself more and bio Español
Recordings of the presentations will be available to all registrant through April 30, 2023.
Language The language of the conference is English and we will offer Spanish translation for nearly all of the presentations (depending on our translation team).
Work Study $100 off. World Living Room Leader - Living rooms (1 hour) will be held on Saturday and Sunday and provide a time to connect informally with others. They are put at a time of day 5am - 6am NY time convenient for Europe/Africa & Asia/Oceania. Your time here
Skills needed are: proficiency being a Zoom host, and comfort with leading a group conversation on Zoom, being attentive to the needs of those who show up. Please apply by writing to [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
Early Bird Prices through December 31, 2022
Regular Price $315 Modified Price $215 Lowest Price $115*
Prices starting January 1, 2023
Regular Price $340 Modified Price $240 Lowest Price $140*
Three tier pricing. We welcome you to select the level right for you, while reminding you that if you have a reliable means of support and live in a country with a strong economy, we ask that you pay the regular price. By choosing the highest amount you are capable of paying you help make the sliding scale possible. Thank you!
*Note: if the lowest price is not affordable for you please write to [email protected] to inquire about a scholarship.
Refunds: A full refund minus a $25 administrative fee (regardless of the registration fee paid) for cancellations 14 days before the start date. Cancellations less than 14 days before the start date are nonrefundable.
TIFI reserves the right to cancel, change and alter the program if necessary. Participants authorize TIFI to use their name, statements and likeness without charge, for promotional purposes in publications, advertising, video, web, new media, or other formats.
At many of our events, we will end class by taking a screenshot. All those who don't want to be included will have the chance to leave. Taking screenshots for sharing (such as on social media) are not allowed at other times during the class. Thanks for your cooperation.
By registering for this course with the Institute, and in consideration of the right and opportunity to participate in and contribute to the Institute’s classes, for the purposes of its control of all video and/or audio recordings thereof pertaining to uses serving our purposes and goals, in enrolling in this session you acknowledge and agree to the Institute’s ownership of all rights in such classes, including all rights under copyright therein. In no circumstance shall any portion or clip posted or displayed exceed 3 minutes in duration. If you plan to use, post or display any portion or clips of these recordings, including posting these to a website or to a social media platform or portal, you agree that you will seek and obtain the prior approval of the Institute.
Early Bird Prices end December 31
$ 340.00
Regular price
$ 240.00
Modified price
$ 140.00
Lowest price