Your Hosts
Where & When
We have two Focusing meetings for you in November, one on Zoom and one in person. Please see our other post for details of the Zoom meeting.
Our practice, whether we meet in person or online, is to first spend time together, sharing and coming in to a deeper space by way of an attunement, then separating into pairs or triads to Focus together, and coming back together afterwards to share and to close.
Focusers of all levels of experience are welcome at a Changes Group, and there is no charge to attend.
When we were wrapping up our last Changes Group, Geoff Grecynski said he had come, “looking for the nourishment of someone else’s attention”. That resonated with me at the time, and has continued to resonate, as I realise, when I'm heading out to one group or another, that I am in fact looking for the nourishment of someone else's attention. There is something deeply true there. So, if you find you are looking for the nourishment of someone else’s attention, or someone to hold the space while you experience the nourishment of your own attention, then be assured of the welcome you will find at either of our groups.
As this will be our last meeting of the year, we plan to have lunch together afterwards for anyone who is free.
Please email Sue and Merilyn if you can attend.
Merilyn Mayhew: [email protected]
Sue Burrell: [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
Please email both Merilyn Mayhew and Sue Burrell if you plan to attend.