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Conversations: October 2014: Alexis and Shaun Phillips

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Alexis and Shaun Phillips Bio:
Alexis Phillips, M.A., R.C.C., S.F.T.T., is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Focusing Coordinator. Alexis specializes in working with complex trauma and has presented on this work at the 2014, 2011 and 2009 World Conferences on Focusing- Oriented Psychotherapies (New York). She works with North Kootenay Lake Community Services providing counselling to adults, children, youth and families and has a private practice providing individual counselling, supervision, and community training. Alexis was one of the instructors and clinical supervisors of the Aboriginal Focusing-Oriented Therapy and Complex Trauma Certificate Program (Focusing Institute, New York 2012-2013). Her research on traumarecovery has been published in the Journal of Counselling & Development. Alexis recently led a FOT and Complex Trauma training for National Victims of Crime Awareness Week: "Taking Action" (Nelson, BC). Teaching engagements include on-going workshops in FOTCT with Saint-Paul University (Canada) and a seven module program in Nelson, B.C. (Canada).

Shaun Phillips, M.Ed., R.C.C., S.F.T.T., is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Focusing Coordinator. Shaun specializes in working with complex trauma and has presented on this work at the 2014, 2011 and 2009 World Conferences on Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapies (New York). He has a private practice with a range of adolescent and adult clients and is an associate therapist with Sand Story Psychology Services where he engages children in FOT and Play Therapy. Recently Shaun presented the keynote for the Flemish Association for Client Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling Annual Conference (Belgium). Shaun continues to work closely with Long Lake #58 First Nation (Canada), where he and his colleague Deborah Bell have partnered with the community to create and facilitate Seeds of Hope: Creating Change by Building Connection and Capacity in Community (an infant mental health initiative). In March 2015 this dynamic sibling team will teach FOTCT in China and Japan.

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This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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