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Conversations: November 2016: Javier Romeo-Biedma

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Javier Romeo-Biedma Bio:
F. Javier Romeo-Biedma is a clinical psychologist, Focusing Trainer and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist based in Madrid, Spain. His work with at-risk children and youth in Spain, Morocco and Mauritania since 1995 has led him to research on violence prevention, detection and healing.

In 2009 he co-founded "Espirales Consultoría de Infancia" (, an international consultancy firm specializing in childhood, affectivity, protection and communication. Espirales CI gives professional advice to public administrations, NGOs and schools in Child Protection against violence and provides experiences of learning, healing and growth for professionals, parents and families.

He also has a private practice as a therapist for children, teenagers and adults, and teaches Focusing, interpersonal communication and psychology through "Conexión Más Auténtica" (
He loves Focusing as a way to be more present with inner processes, giving voice to inner silenced parts and finding ways to transform pain and liberate energy for creative development.

Topic: How to work experientially with violence

When we work with children and youth, with at-risk populations, in social settings, with clients in therapy, we can see the effects of violence in their lives. In this conversation we explore how to work experientially to find a handle for violence in our own lives, as the first step to prevent and detect situations of violence. We converse about ways to identify violence, first from cognitive concepts, and afterwards from a Focusing and embodied perspective. Once we can name violence, we empower ourselves –transforming violence around us.

Please share with us your ideas and experience on this topic through the Focusing Institute Facebook page, or the contact form.

This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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