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Conversations: November 2014: Bruce Nayowith

Audio file


For a while now, Bruce Nayowith and I have been having discussions about the “shared field” that emerges in Focusing, as well as in other modes of mindful interaction. We would like to invite the Focusing community to engage with the topic. Please share with us your ideas and experience on this topic through the Focusing Institute Facebook page, the Proactive Change Linked In page, the Proactive Change Facebook page, or the contact form.

Bruce Nayowith Bio:

Bruce Nayowith is a practicing emergency physician in western Massachusetts. He received his M.D. in 1978, and has worked with the Indian Health Service in the US and with the Catholic Church in Chiapas, Mexico.

Since learning Focusing in 1987, he has been using it as a personal practice, and as an entry point to explore how diverse disciplines that support aliveness on personal and systemic levels, can inform and deepen one another. These include NVC, neurobiology, Integral Theory, developmental and positive psychology, and emergent group processes such as Open Dialogue and Dynamic Facilitation.

He has posted a few articles on various Focusing-related topics at

Please share with us your ideas and experience on this topic through the Focusing Institute Facebook page, or the contact form.

This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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