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Conversations: November 2011: Susan Rudnick

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Susan Rudnick Bio:
Susan Rudnick LCSW, a Focusing Oriented Therapist, and long time Zen practitioner, has been deeply involved in understanding the interface of her spiritual practice and work as a psychotherapist.

Her most recent publications include the chapter “Coming Home to Wholeness”, Cooper, Paul C. ed. Into the Mountain Stream: Psychotherapy and Buddhist Experience. USA: Jason Aronson, 2007, and,” Unnamable and Unnamed: A Personal Reflection on Diagnosis,” which appears on the Psychology Today Website, 7/29/10.

Susan teaches and supervises for the FORP (Focusing Oriented Relational Psychotherapy) program in New York and South Africa, and has been a psychotherapist in private practice for the past thirty years in Manhattan, and more recently Westchester NY.

She is currently at work on a memoir.

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