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Conversations: May 2009: Doralee Grindler Katonah

Audio file


Doralee Grindler Katonah's Bio:
Focusing guided my life even before I knew about Focusing. When I attended the first Changes Group and was taught Focusing, it was a relief to know this is what I had been doing. It brings such fulfillment to bring this gift to others. I am Associate Professor at The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA and have been a Certifying Coordinator, and a practicing Focusing-Oriented psychotherapist for over 30 years. I was the founding Director of The Focusing Institute and began the Focusing Folio as its first editor. I worked at a Center for Complementary Medicine bringing Focusing to many people with physical symptoms and illnesses. I conducted research on Clearing a Space as a stress reduction tool for people with cancer. I am a practitioner and lay teacher of Soto Zen Buddhism and am interested in what we learn when we cross Buddhism with Focusing.

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This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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