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Conversations: July 2009: Robert Lee

Audio file


Robert Lee Bio:
I am a psychologist-Coordinator for close to 2 decades. I have started 10 training program groups in the last 8 years utilizing an innovative design. I have been a leader of the Certification Weeklong for 6 years. I have special adaptations in focusing with patterns like anxiety, depression, trauma, disorientation, Obsessive-Compulsiveness. I have created a focusing implied method of couple therapy emphasizing empathic opportunity. I have developed a focusing implied method of supervision called Undervisioning. Outside of psychotherapy, I am a leader in furthering emerging focusing oriented fields, the originator of cross lingual focusing partnership, a developer of focusing and language acquisition, an innovator of focusing with physical problems, and a creator of focusing triads combining focusing and body work. My two most developed methods and theories are Domain Focusing: the 3 logics of Growth and Macroshifting: Changing the Unchangeable through Focusing. I teach internationally and offer on-site workshops, and phone classes.

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This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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