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Conversations: January 2010: Anna Christensen

Audio file


Anna Christensen Bio:
I have been a Zen student since 1968, studying with Zen Masters Yasutani Roshi, Eido Roshi, Maezumi Roshi and American Zen Teacher Charlotte Joko Beck from whom I received Dharma transmission in 1997, and I began teaching. I have a weekly meditation group, holding several retreats a year. For me the two streams of Zen and Focusing can fit together like a hand and a glove. Focusing, a brilliant and efficient skillful means is like a multi-faceted jewel that I can integrate into my zen sitting when I am caught in persistent thought loops – right there on the cushion - and not as two separate practices. Both Zen and Focusing embody direct experiencing of being right here, right now. Residing in that unclear felt sense and staying a little bit longer brings clarity and a felt shift. And once again, I am back in the room, just sitting on the cushion.

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