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Conversations: February 2010: Joan Klagsbrun

Audio file


Joan Klagsbrun Bio:
I first discovered Focusing in 1976. Within a few months of studying with Gene Gendlin, I had found a gentler and more insightful way of connecting to myself. Within a year, I was introducing Focusing widely to clients and to colleagues.

Three decades later, Focusing remains central to my life. I train psychotherapists in Focusing-Oriented psychotherapy; teach graduate courses in Focusing at Lesley University’s Counseling Psychology department; present workshops on Focusing at psychological and behavioral medicine conferences; help facilitate a monthly Changes group in the Boston area; conduct research on the effectiveness of Clearing a Space for people with cancer; and integrate Focusing into my psychotherapy practice. In the evolution of my work I have come to see Focusing as a practice of holistic healing, and also one that can open doorways to the spiritual.

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