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Conversations: December 2008: Nina Joy Lawrence

Audio file

Nina Joy Lawrence Bio:
I'm Nina Joy Lawrence. Focusing has nestled down in my core and replaced my counseling practice, become integrated with my spiritual practice as a Friend (Quaker), and with my daily living. Holding Presence for everything inside fits so satisfyingly with my spiritual practice and with my belief in building peace. It fits with my desire to be grounded in my body, and follow a trustable way as life opens.

One way forward I have been following is teaching Focusing in Afghanistan and Pakistan. My colleague, Dr. Patricia Omidian and I use Sufi poetry as the medium. Another concern of mine is to explore ways of teaching Focusing so it more easily can go right home to anyone the new Focuser wants to share with, from the first day of learning onward.

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This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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