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Conversation, September 2019: Salvador Moreno

Audio file


The audio recording is in English. The voice you hear is not Salvador Moreno. It is read by Charles Herr, who also translated Salvador’s talk into English. You can listen to the original Spanish here.

A video recording of Salvador speaking in Spanish is at:


In this talk, Salvador Moreno describes a journey of discoveries and surprises:

"How I found that using my bodily felt sense helps me orient in my daily life and my work, with much more certainty and precision than I would using only logic and reason disconnected from bofily feelings. This is a great gift of life, available to all people." Dr. Salvador Moreno-López

Ph. D., Universidad Iberoamericana, in Mexico City. Certified Focusing Instructor and Certifying Coordinador for Mexico of the International Focusing Institute.

Has been a professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and León, and at the ITESO in Guadalajara, in postgraduate studies in Psychotherapy and Human Development. Has led workshops at Universidad de Fortaleza, Brasil.

Has published three books, as well as several book chapters and articles. His most recent book: Descubriendo mi Sabiduría Corporal, Focusing. Articles include: Tendencia actualizante, sabiduría organísmica y comprensión del mundo; Focusing with the Stresses of Everyday Life; Focusing, Mindfulness and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy; y Vivir saludablemente y Enfoque Corporal.

Director of Focusing México, psyschotherapist, group leader and lecturer. His focus is understanding the interaction between physical and emotional health, with an emphasis on the experiential dimension, and in identifying implications in terms of promoing health.

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This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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