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Conversation, July 2020: Bruce Nayowith

Audio file


Bruce Nayowith explores experiences of connection

Bruce Nayowith:

Since 1987, Bruce Nayowith has been Focusing and exploring other processes that encourage the unfolding of individual and systemic potential. These include neurobiology, depth, and developmental psychology, whole-brain education, NVC, and emergent group processes such as Dynamic Facilitation, Open Dialogue, Family Constellations, The Pocket Project, and Stephen Busby’s work. Some earlier explorations can be found here Some of his more recent ones at .

Bruce Nayowith explores his inner experience in 2 situations:
(1) making contact with others while connecting with a young part of himself;
(2) a situation in which an energetic connection was felt at a distance.

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This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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