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Conversation, December 2020: Rosanna Camerlingo

Audio file


Topic: Exploring the Implicit
esplorando l'Implicito vv

Rosanna Camerlingo talks to Serge Prengel about her explorations of the Implicit. It is in English and Italian (translation by Laura Pappada is part of the recording). See video at:

Una conversazione di Rosanna Camerlingo con Serge Prengel sulla sua esplorazione dell'Implicito. Traduzione di Laura Pappada'. Video:

Rosanna Camerlingo, lives in Naples, where she was born. She studied sociology and psychology. She has worked in public school for many years as a teacher, as a sociologist and as a psychologist. She is a TIFI Coordinator. She has developed a FOCUSING-UNION work system from her experiences and skills against discomfort and for well-being and the awakening of consciousness. Focusing-Union is organized as follows:
- Focusing and Techniques of Union and Awakening.
- Focusing and Genogram and constellations at an imaginal approach.
- Focusing Voice
- Focusing Art

Website link:

Rosanna Camerlingo, nata a Napoli dove vive, è laureata in sociologia e in psicologia clinica e di comunità. Ha lavorato per molti anni nella scuola pubblica come insegnante, come sociologa e come psicologa. Coordinator del T. I.F.I ha strutturato un sistema di lavoro Focusing-Unione, dalle sue esperienze e competenze contro il disagio e per il ben Essere e il risveglio delle coscienze. Focusing-Unione è organizzato come di seguito :
-Focusing e Tecniche dell'Unione e del Risveglio
-Focusing e Genogramma e costellazioni ad approccio immaginale.
-Focusing Voice
-Focusing Art

Sito web:



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This is part of the "Conversations" series. Click this link to see the list of all the conversations.
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