I work deeply with individuals and groups in realizing our full potential, living from Presence, and learning to embody our most sincere ideals and dreams. I lead individuals and groups in ongoing programs that are 17 days of onsite retreat per year plus tele classes, that are 1 year to 3 years in length. , where we come together to delve deeply into the inner life, and the space between us, as human beings, and embody partnership and circle formats, using a lot of peer based methods. I am an Energy Medicine Practitionner, Buddhist meditation teacher, I also am a Nonviolent Communication teacher and I usie Shhirley Turcotte's Indigenous Focusing Oriented therapy and ceremony in my healing work, being trained in Tibetan Buddhism, music, Bon work, Energy Healing and plant spirit medicine. In the yearlong programs we also practice nature connection, Communication, Buddhist Meditation methods, Energy Healing. I have created a Focusing based approach called SOUL FOCUSING that combines these methods.