Your Hosts

Where & When
Participants will have experience of Focusing, felt sensing and listening.
This course is designed as an introduction to some specific felt-sensing practices and techniques that can be used in any number of ways – it might be to write a letter or email, do an article for a newsletter, start a creative project, bring clarity to a business proposal, carry your ideas into the public domain in some other forum - or simply deepen your own Focusing and listening practices.
You will begin to see that what we sense implicitly, but pass over much of the time, is always at work: by paying attention more deliberately, it can be opened further, pointing ‘toward the place where meaning may lie’, as Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison says.
We will also explore a number of ways of working in partnership – using Focusing partnerships as we know them but also opening up other models of partnership and dialogue that can support us in this work.
Contact Mary at [email protected] to register for more on what we will cover in the course.
Registration Information and Price
For further information see
or contact Mary Jennings on jennings640@gmail. Cost is €120.