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Understanding the Message from Beyond
A Workshop on Gendlin’s Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams
[This is a photo of a traditional Dreamcatcher created by the indigenous peoples across North America, According to their culture, a dreamcatcher is designed to capture bad dreams in its web, while letting the good dreams through.]
Have you ever wondered about the meaning of a dream that you recall the next morning? Most of us have. Gene Gendlin’s classic work, Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams, explains how to use Focusing and your Felt Sense of a dream to plumb its depth, discover its hidden meaning, and carry your living forward. While many of us have this book on our Focusing bookshelves, it seems few have been able to apply it.
In this workshop, you’ll learn about his distinctive, bidirectional approach to working with dreams; how his method relates to his philosophy of the implicit; and, how to use his 16 Questions. In each of the workshop’s four sessions, time will be allotted to working on a dream, mine or yours. You’ll also learn about Gendlin’s Bias Control and how to use Focusing Partnerships for working on dreams with a trusted listener. Just as in Focusing, you never have to disclose information you want to keep private.
Please join us on Zoom on February 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 10 am to 12 noon ET.
Workshop Requirements: Open to all who have an interest in learning about how dreams carry forward our living
Workshop Leader: Arnold Zeman is a Certified Focusing Professional with a M.A. in sociology from the University of Toronto. This workshop is the product of his immersive study of the psychoanalysis of dreams, and, more important, of Focusing and Dreams. After a lengthy career as an executive in the Canadian federal Public Service, he has worked as a family mediator in the Ontario Family Court, and as a workplace coach in government departments. His conviction that we all have an inner sense of what is right and true for us, drew him to Focusing. You can reach him at [email protected].
Contact Arnold Zeman at [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
Register at [email protected]
Workshop Fee: There is no set fee. Please feel free to pay what you can, if you can.