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Due to Focusing’s empirically-based potential to radically and quickly manifest extraordinary insight and change for Focuser and Facilitator (or client and coach) alike, it is a must-have skill for any coach wishing to effortlessly and powerfully get to the heart of any issue and bring their own and their client’s largest version of self to the change process. Yet the world of coaching has been slow to formally adopt Focusing within its views.
In this 8-part International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited series, participants are taught to how to engage with the core elements of Focusing as a self-guided process, though more importantly, the learning orients towards how one facilitates powerful coaching sessions with these core elements seamlessly integrated within the process. Guiding in Focusing is an elegant and subtle dance and some equally subtle yet critical skills must come into play when coaches are doing so.
Led by Rod Francis PCC and Focusing-Oriented therapist, coach and teacher of the 2 year Focusing Certification program, Charlotte Howorth ACC and supported by faculty, the program earn participants 26 ICF Core Competency units for completion and is part of the ICF Level 2 Emergent Coach Training program.
Contact us on [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
Please register here:
Program cost: $1,495